Archive of Violence Against Trans*masculine People

The primary goal of this archive is to raise awareness for FTM transmasc victims of violence, as well as all victims of anti-transmasculinity.This list includes self-identified trans men & transmasculine people, as well as butches & masculine women whose gender presentation makes them the target of violence which seeks to correct or punish them for their masculinity. While these identities are not synonymous and can exist independently, transmasculine and lesbian communities cannot be divorced from one another; neither can anti-transmasculinity and lesbophobia. This list also includes others who are victimized by anti-transmasculinity even if they themselves are not FTM transmasculine.Anti-transmasculine violence, and transmasc victims of other forms of violence, are rarely discussed. This is due in part to the frequency with which transmasculine people are misgendered and deadnamed after death and only considered victims of violence against women, as well as due to the erasure and hyperinvisibility of transmasculine existence. This archive exists to bring awareness to violence against transmascs and remember the victims of such violence.All incidents include the victim's name/alias if known, their location, a short description of the event, and a link to an article about the event.You can view the list in its entirety, or by location, ethnicity, and type of violence.If there is an incident you know of that you feel should be put in this archive, send an ask to @genderkoolaid. If you know of something that fits here but isn't in the news, you can submit that following these rules.Content warning:
This archive includes accounts of murder, torture, mutilation, rape, abuse, sexual assault, physical assault, harassment, suicide, and threats against transmasculine people, as well as racist violence. Please view with caution, and remember that the trans experience is not defined by the violence done to us. This archive exists to remember the victims of anti-transmasculine violence, not to stoke blind fear or despair. Take care of yourself.

The List

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Type of Violence

Research and Writing

The List

1. Matthew Angelo Spampinato (USA) - Killed in a hit-and-run2. Roberto (Spain) - Murdered by two women who had held him captive and tortured him for two years3. Yampi Mendez Arocho (Puerto Rico) - Found dead with multiple gunshot wounds and initially misgendered by the police.4. Ebeng Mayor (Philippines) - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.5. Brandon Teena (USA) - Raped and murdered, after the police refused to help him when he went to them after his first rape6. Evon Young (USA) - Tortured and murdered7. Samuel Edmund Damián Valentín (Puerto Rico) - Murdered, found with multiple gunshot wounds8. Oliver Taylor (USA) - 17-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered9. Mel Groves (USA) - Murdered10. Valera (Russia) - Raped and murdered after coming out to his neighbors11. Kenneth Bostick (USA) - Beaten while living at a homeless shelter with cis men, died in the hospital12. Haven Bailey (USA) - Shot four times by a police officer while carrying a pellet gun13. Khleo Finnie (USA) - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs14. Vanja Vukajlović (Serbia) - Assaulted by the same people who had assaulted him in the past15. Kristian Rouse (USA) - Nearly beaten to death in his apartment16. Dedrek Finley (USA) - Abused and assaulted by Rosario Dawson & her family while working for them17. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Ambushed and assaulted after Pride while wearing a Trans Lives Matter shirt18. Unnamed trans man (Montenegro) - Forced out of his home & assaulted19. Malte C. (Germany) - Murdered at a protest while defending other queer people after the attacker recognized him as a trans man20. Rodgrigo Ventocilla (Indonesia) - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.21. Amos Beede (USA) - Trans man who was beaten and died from his injuries22. Yoshi Tsuchida (Japan) - Murdered and mutilated by having his face cut off23. Myles Utz (USA) - Beaten with a chain after a man heard him mention he was trans24. Ahmed El-Tounsi (Tounisia) - Beaten by police and denied medical treatment at two different hospitals25. Noah Ruiz (USA) - Beaten after using the women's bathroom as directed, after a cis woman complained about him26. Caesar Lewis (USA) - Beaten by bouncers after using the men's bathroom at a club27. Gautam Ramachandra and Shaman Gupta (India) - Arrested, beaten, and threatened by police to try and force them to give the location of a trans man who had come to their shelter for protection from his abusive cop father.28. Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Abused by hospital staff and threatened with murder by another patient's family29. Ijan DaVonte Jarrett (USA) - Punched and stabbed by a white woman after offering to give up his seat to her30. Marlow White (USA) - Threatened & harassed by his neighbor31. Mar’Quis “MJ” Jackson (USA) - Found dead from blunt force trauma32. Kier Rice (USA) - Attacked and repeatedly misgendered & harassed at his place of work33. Charles Hardy (USA) - Harassed and called the f slur by a woman while with his boyfriend34. Emmitt Davis (USA) - Harassed and assaulted while being called homophobic slurs35. Unnnamed trans man (USA) - Struck with a cooler and threatened with murder for being trans36. Unnamed trans man (Russia) - Harassed and raped on train37. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Called the f slur and physically assaulted38. Scott Wilson (UK) - Raped by a man who knew he was transgender39. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Groped and punched40. Sebastian Taylor (Australia) - 13-year-old assaulted by a man while riding the train home from school41. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Knocked out, robbed, beaten, and raped when his attacker realized he was trans42. Ky Peterson (USA) - Attacked and raped, and imprisoned for three years for killing his rapist43. Shakti (India) - Forcibly undressed by prison guards and mocked for being trans44. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Raped and later stalked by a taxi driver45. Jamel Young (USA) - Stopped by police and harassed, misgendered, and sexually assaulted46. Unnamed trans man (Canada) - Sexually assaulted at knifepoint47. Edward De Lacy Evans (Australia) - 19th century trans man who was put in an asylum and sexually assaulted by doctors in order to "treat" him, and was later put in a traveling carnival48. Damien Fraser (Canada) - Found dead on shoreline of a beach, misgendered by police and media49. Valentín Quezada Saldías (Chile) - Found dead under a bridge after having gone missing50. Semaj Sincere Billingslea (USA) - Found in a parking lot with multiple gunshot wounds and died in hospital.51. Renato Estrada (Guatemala) - Murdered, his partner believes it was a hate crime52. Ace Scott (USA) - 15 year old found dead in an abandoned lot53. Ray Muscat (USA) - Murdered by his girlfriend54. Cristhian (Mexico) - Shot by two men55. Brent Wood (USA) - Found dead near dumpsters, having been beaten to death56. Samuel Hoffmann (Sweden) - Found dead in his home, suspected of having been murdered57. León Pindo Cuenca (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen58. Bielzinho Costa (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home59. Cristian Nicola (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen60. Camury Amorim (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home. Close friends attribute his death to transphobia61. Avery Palmer (USA) - Drugged and raped by a US marshall62. Tony McDade (USA) - Murdered by police after being called an anti-Black slur63. Daniel Aston (USA) - Murdered in the Club Q shooting64. Poe Black (USA) - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal65. Aditya (India) - Forced to return to abusive family by police66. Unnamed trans man (Ireland) - Attacked after a Pride event and left with a fractured skull and abnormalities in their brain67. Novaa Ru Watson (USA) - Murdered and deadnamed by police68. Callum Kenney (Ireland) - Had his ribs broken in a transphobic attack69. Brian Powers (USA) - Murdered70. Dustin Parker (USA) - Murdered while giving out free taxi rides on New Year's Eve71. Jordan Cofer (USA) - Killed in a mass shooting & deadnamed and misgendered by police72. Unnamed trans man (UK) - Groped by a drunk woman trying to figure out his gender73. Ruan Filipe (UK) - Slashed with a knife and had his pants and underwear cut off74. Trey Lowery and Cori Smith (UK) - Misgendered and mistreated at Highland Hospital75. Chriton Atuhwera (Kenya) - Ugandan refugee murdered after his shelter at a refugee camp was firebombed; residents believe this was a homophobic hate crime76. Maria Paola Gaglione (Italy) - A cis woman who was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after getting engaged to a trans man77. Unnamed trans man (Qatar) - A member of the Qatar royal family fled and went into hiding with his girlfriend after his freedom was restricted by his family.78. Michael Volz (USA) - Beaten unconscious after a fundraising event for victims of the Orlando shooting79. Shane Devereaux (USA) - Assaulted by a group of men and left with a fractured skull80. Kade (UK) - Assaulted for being gay and trans81. Saye Skye (Canada) - Assaulted by two men and a woman, called the t-slur82. Samson Tequir (USA) - Beaten unconscious, called slurs, and threatened with sexual violence

83. Zahair Martinez (USA) - Kicked in the face, had hot coffee thrown in his eyes, and called a he-she by several attackers.84. Phillip (Malawi) - Assaulted by police officers along with another trans man for "doing lesbian activities"85. Syre Klenke (USA) - Beaten while waiting for the train and kicked out of the Uber he got to escape for being trans86. Kayden Clarke (USA) - Autistic trans man shot by police during a mental health crisis; he was misgendered by both police and his family.87. Yuen “Chin” Tzu (USA) - Held in solitary confinement by ICE for 9 months and medically mistreated88. Naith Payton (UK) - Harassed by a woman and her children on a train89. Sean Hake (USA) - Shot by police during a mental health crisis90. Sharky (Belgium) - Tounisian immigrant stabbed by terrorists to "make an example of him"91. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Shot in the hip after leaving a bar92. Juan Evans (USA) - Called "it" and "thing" and threatened with genital search by police during traffic stop93. Unnamed trans boy (UK) - Died by suicide at 12 after experiencing bullying which was ignored by his school. After his death the school misgendered and deadnamed him, told the students they were not allowed to express grief or pay tribute on social media, and refused to acknowledge the bullying which caused his death.94. Kauê Vestemberg (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered & deadnamed by the news95. Finn Hall (UK) - Died by suicide at 1696. Unnamed trans man (Kuwait) - Harassed by men who believed him to be a trans woman, and arrested for crossdressing97. Unnamed trans man (USA) - A 15-year-old who was physically and sexually assaulted by three cis boys in the boy's bathroom at their high school98. Ollie Thomas (USA) - Beaten and robbed by a friend while being insulted for being a trans man99. Shivy (India) - Lured to India from US by his parents under false pretenses, then held hostage and physically and emotionally abused100. Ingram Gordon (Australia) - Died by suicide101. Kashmire Nazier Redd (USA) - Stabbed to death by his girlfriend102. Alex Bastien (Canada) - Died by suicide at 10 after experiencing precocious puberty and bullying103. Bobby Melon (France) - Died by suicide. He was a disabled sex worker who dropped out of school at 16, was assaulted, unable to medically transition, and denied help and frequently misgendered by institutions meant to help him. He was buried in makeup and under his birth name.104. Ari (Canada) - Abused, harassed, and repeatedly sexually assaulted while homeless as a youth105. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Subjected to multiple invasive genital exams while in women's prison, put in solitary confinement which resulted in heat sickness, and misgendered by staff106. Chance Houle (USA) - Died by suicide at 12, and was misgendered by both family and the news107. Grayson Keck (USA) - Died by suicide at 15. He testified against anti-trans laws and his mother believed that those transphobic beliefs is what killed him108. Tehuel de La Torre (Argentina) - Went missing on 11 March 2021 and has not been found; he has been misgendered by the media. Two men have been charged with aggravated homicide.109. Marty Dragonova (UK) - Died by suicide, possibly as a result of NHS waiting times, treatment delays, and/or medical transphobia110. Ellis Murphy Richards (UK) - Died by suicide at 15112. Evan Kelemen (Canada) - Institutionalized as a child for not exhibiting “proper gender behaviors"; he was locked in closets, force-fed, and beaten.113. Rafael Romeu de Brito (Portugal) - Died by suicide114. Fabiano Hilário (Brazil) - Found shot in the head at a dumping ground for murder victims and misgendered by police & media; his friends and family suspect it was motivated by transphobia.115. Lucas (USA) - Harassed and sexually assaulted several times in school116. Dr. Igor Lima Potêncio (Brazil) - Died by suicide117. Corbin Ray Bach (USA) - Died by suicide after experiencing relentless bullying.119. Boni Pal (India) - An intersex former football player who was rejected by his family, harassed, and beaten after being publicly outed as intersex and transitioning120. Alex McCray (USA) - Died by suicide. He was well-known for having fought for trans bathroom rights in Illinois.121. Fariman (Iran) - Repeatedly arrested and sexually assaulted by morality police122. Rob Shaffer (USA) - Falsely charged with a DUI and had derogatory remarks made about his gender; he lost his job and his housing as a result123. Lucas (Spain) - Died by suicide124. Gabriel Godoy (Brazil) - Died by suicide125. Henry Berg-Brousseau (USA) - Trans activist who died by suicide. His activism meant he dealt with "hateful and vile anti-trans messaging" and his mother reported that he "wondered if he was safe walking down the street".126. Terry (USA) - Assaulted by a family member because of his gender and thrown out of the house127. Alex Van Dalsen (USA) - Found dead from bullet wound. His family believes the case was mishandled by police because he was trans128. Unnamed trans man (UK) - Beaten and robbed while being insulted for being trans, ended up in hospital129. Vivek Azad (India) - Beaten frequently and had men sent to rape him by his transphobic family. His family also burned his school certificates and an employment letter to prevent him from getting education or a job.130. Alan Cusso (Spain) - Died by suicide at 17 due to transphobic bullying and assault by cis girls131. Jeffrey "JJ" Bright (USA) - 16 year old trans boy murdered along with his nonbinary sibling Jasmine by their mother132. Mac Ohana (USA) - Died by suicide at 18 due to medical transphobia which sought to "cure" him of being trans133. Alloés Carvalho (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered after death134. Tobi Yandle (USA) - Threatened and called slurs by a group of cis boys in the boys' bathroom at his school135. Leo Etherington (UK) - Died by suicide at 15 after being denied a name change by his school and being told by his doctor he would not be eligible for surgery on the NHS136. Unnamed trans boy (Belgium) - Harassed and assaulted, along with his family, after a pride parade137. Jay Hoarau (France) - Died by suicide at 16 after years of verbal, physical, and online harassment138. Unnamed trans boy (USA) - Assaulted and bullied by classmates, told he should have been killed139. Santiago Cancinos (Argentina) - 14 year old trans boy believed to have died by suicide140. Samir Seif Bouabadali (Sweden) - Died by suicide after coming to Sweden as a refugee when his Moroccan family rejected him141. Asher Garcia (USA) - Died by suicide at 12. He had experienced physical and sexual abuse as a young child, as well as transphobic bullying when he came out, and was misgendered and deadnamed by his family after his death.142. Milo Winslow (USA) - Died by suicide143. Tal Piterbraut-Merx (France) - Jewish intersectional activist who died by suicide.144. Kai Khan (USA) - Died by suicide. He wanted to be a nurse, but worried people would refuse his care or mistreat him for being trans.145. Demarkis Stansberry (USA) - Murdered by being shot in the head and deadnamed by the news146. Andi Woodhouse (USA) - Died by suicide147. Nino Acox Jackson (USA) - Found dead, potentially died by suicide148. Riley Matthew Moscatel (USA) - Died by suicide149. Abhay "Shrey" Gondane (India) - Left to die after being forced to jump from the second-story of a bar to escape the bouncers, who had beat him and a trans woman friend with chairs152. Elliot Page (USA) - Chased by a man calling him the f slur and threatening to kill him151. Selvam (India) - Beaten by police to force him to give them the location of a queer activist sheltering a lesbian couple152. Banko Brown (USA) - Homeless trans man shot by a security guard after being accused of shoplifting. He was unable to find housing due to targeting in both men and women's shelters.

153. Praveen Nath (India) - First trans bodybuilder died by suicide after being cyberbullied following his publicized marriage to a trans woman. His wife has been alleged to have physically and emotionally abused him.154. Unnamed trans man (UK) - Disabled trans man who was scratched and had his hand crushed by TERFs after intercepting a Posie Parker rally by pretending to be a detransitioner and attempting to dismantle the mic during his speech.155. Ezra Johnson (USA) - Repeatedly harassed via death threats put on his car and inside his apartment's mail room, offering a cash reward for his death and calling him a monster156. Ezz Eldin/Ahmed Fares (Egypt) - Bled to death after being prematurely discharged post-hysterectomy from an unauthorized clinic.157. Nickolas J. McDaniel (USA) - Gang-raped by eight cis girl classmates while in high school to "teach it [me] to like being a female." (Hung Jury chp. 10)158. John (USA) - Murdered by the ex-husband of his girlfriend in the late 1986. "During the murder trial in 1990, the defense proposed the argument that it was not a “real murder,” as John was just an “it”." (Hung Jury chp. 9)159. Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes (Chile) - A camiona (butch lesbian) who was murdered, and had been previously harassed by cis men who sought to "correct her" and "make her a woman." She lived in Valparaíso, a region known for its lesbophobic violence.160. Unnamed camiona (Chile) - Whipped with chains while being called lesbophobic slurs. Also from Valparaíso.161. Carolina Torres (Chile) - Brutally beaten and permanently disabled by cis men who specifically targeted her, and not her femme girlfriend, for being a camiona; during the attempted murder, they asked her "Why do you dress like a man?"162. Jacob Williamson (USA) - 18-year-old trans men who was murdered after meeting a man he met online for a date; the man's girlfriend has been charged as an accessory to the murder. Jacob has been deadnamed and misgendered by the news.163. Renton Sinclair (USA) - Son of notorious anti-trans activist Tania Joy Gibson, who abused her son to the point of suicide attempts, drug addiction, homelessness, and forced conversion therapy.164. Dimitri Levesque (Canada) - Misgendered and deadnamed during police interrogation, where he was asked invasive questions about his sexuality and menstrual cycle165. Flint (USA) - Transmasculine teacher who was the subject of multiple Fox News stories, leading to them being harassed, called a groomer, and his school receiving a bomb threat166. Blake Brockington (USA) - Died by suicide at 18. His biological family, who he had become estranged from due to their refusal to accept him, continued deadnamed and misgendered him after he died.167. Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton (USA) - Wheelchair user who was shot five times with a pellet gun in a drive-by hate crime. He was called the t slur and f slur, and left further disabled because of his injuries.168. Augustus Baudouin (France) - A 17-year-old arrested in 1860 for robbery and outed while in prison. He was moved to the women's prison, but "[his] repugnance to appear in women's attire among her fellow prisoners was so great that [he] committed suicide by hanging [him]self to an iron bar with a pocket hankerchief."169. Big Cliff Trondle (USA) - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.170. Emmett Brock (USA) - Beaten and given a concussion by a police officer who stalked him after he flipped the officer off while driving by. After being arrested, he was interrogated about his genitals, forced to undress for an officer, and put in the women's holding cell. He then lost his job as a teacher and was charged with three felonies.171. Charley (USA) - 19-year-old who joined the Union army in 1863, but was outed and arrested. He was told he wouldn't be incarcerated if he dressed in women's clothing, but instead he chose to die by suicide.172. Camdyn Rider (USA) - Murdered by his abusive cis fiancé in a murder-suicide. He was eight months pregnant when he was killed, and the child did not survive. He has been misgendered by the police and some news, as well as by his estranged family. His Facebook has received transphobic harassment after his death.173. Ky Schevers (USA) - Former radfem detransitioner (now retransitioned) who experience anti-trans conversion therapy from radical feminists. She was in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with detrans activist Devorah Zahav, who preyed on and sexually objectified her transmasculinity.174. Onyx John (Australia) - 13-year-old who died by suicide after being bullied following his coming out and switch to using he/him pronouns. At one point, he was cornered in the bathroom by girls who tried to "bash" him.175. Harcourt Payne (Australia) - Outed in the 1930s when he was bathed against his will at a hospital. Because they could only arrest him for crossdressing if it was done with criminal intent, they instead institutionalized him to force him into detransitioning.176. Morgan Moore (USA) - 17-year-old with multiple disabilities who was murdered by neglect. His parents were unaccepting of his gender and he was misgendered by the media after his death.177. Luis Ángel Díaz Castro (Puerto Rico) - Killed by his abusive ex-partner, who shoved his body in a closet.178. Corei (USA) - 14 year old who died by suicide after experiencing "relentless" transphobia179. Éber (Chile) - Murdered and dismembered by a man he knew180. Tiago da Silva (Brazil) - Shot to death after being lured into a conversation; misgendered and deadnamed by the media.181. Colin Smith (USA) - Murdered while defending a trans woman friend from a transphobe.182. Lucas Peres (Brazil) - Found dead in the woods, suspected of having been murdered.183. Mateo Briones Alvarado (Ecuador) - 16 year old shot multiple times184. Moe Moore (USA) - Found dead in the Ohio river after going missing185. Caio Linhares (Brazil) - Shot to death186. Tree Crane (USA) - Died by suicide187. Consejito (Mexico) - Shot to death after leaving his job, body showed "other signs of violence"188. Unnamed trans boy (Vietnam) - Died by suicide; his parents were unsupportive of his transition189. Noah O'Brien (UK) - 14 year old who died by suicide after being denied puberty blockers and HRT190. Giyo Castillo (Ecuador) - Shot to death191. Myles Fitzpatrick (USA) - 17-year-old who died by suicide after experiencing severe transphobic bullying which was ignored by his school192. Matty Sheldrick (UK) - Died by suicide outside the A&E which medically abused him193. Victor (Brazil) - Shot to death194. Iván Guadalupe Lima Fortete (Spain) - Died by suicide after being bullied for being trans and Argentine195. Nova Dunne (USA) - Died by suicide, possibly related to transphobic bullying196. Maël Eden Paufert (France) - Died by suicide197. Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Digitally (using fingers) raped in his home by a cis woman while he was intoxicated. She was ruled not guilty because he was not seen as trying hard enough to stop her.198. Kavi/Kaveri (India) - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.199. Alvin (Saudi Arabia) - Went through religious conversion therapy as a child, tricked by doctor offering transition care resulting in him being tracked by the morality police.200. Omolyn Davis (USA) - Discriminated against by his employers and coworkers, including one instance where a coworker put a message on his computer saying "I'm gonna kill you"201. Shakeem Malik Holmes (USA) - Placed in a female-only jail cell, called "it," interrogated about his genitals, and threatened by a police officer who said he would put his fist down his throat "like a fucking man."202. Nikolai Given (USA) - Told he was going to hell for being a pregnant trans man203. Aaron Lynch (USA) - Killed by police during a mental health crisis204. Unnamed trans man (Mexico) - Found dead from gunshot wounds alongside a trans woman205. Nino Fortson (USA) - Shot multiple times during an argument, misgendered in the news206. Kayden Coleman (USA) - Excluded from pregnancy support spaces by cis women and repeatedly pressured to have an abortion by his doctors.207. Nex Benedict (USA) - Beaten in the women's bathroom by three cis girls who had been mocking him and another trans person, died the next day.208. Myles (USA) - Arrested while pregnant when a police officer thought his baby bump was stolen clothes.209. Jorge (Ecuador) - Forced into conversion therapy where he was physically abused and made to wear sexy feminine clothing.210. Manoj (India) - 17-year-old who was tied up, beaten, locked in, and threatened with murder by his family after coming out as a straight trans man. He was also taken out of school and forced into marriage with a much older man.211. Daniel (Spain) - Beaten and called a degenerate two men while walking his dog. He believes he was recognized because of his Youtube channel.212. Finn (USA) - Raped and forcibly impregnated by his at-the-time husband Nathan Larson, a white supremacist and pedophile. He was emotionally abused and traumatized by Larson's descriptions of how he wanted sexually abuse their child. He later died by suicide after their divorce, and was reportedly turned away from multiple mental health centers.213. Lourenzo Broken (Brazil) - Pregnant trans man who was threatened with violence by an Uber driver. He and his wife escaped the car and ran away while being chased, which left Lourenzo in extreme pain.214. Righteous Torrence "Chevy" Hill (USA) - Murdered215. Alex Franco (USA) - Shot to death and left in the desert216. Jeanne Bonnet (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser who was murdered in 1876. The murder was never solved. They were harassed by police and arrested for cross-dressing and additional charges. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]

217. Dick/Mamie Ruble (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because of their crossdressing and their insistence on being neither male nor female. They died while imprisoned from tuberculosis. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]218. Sophie Lederer (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because he "talks irrationally— acts silly and claims to be a boy." He died while imprisoned from heart disease. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]219. Basil Brown (USA) - A genderqueer person who died by suicide at their college after he was raped by three people, including a professor. Xe was misgendered in death and targeted by LibsofTiktok.220. Thadeu "Têu" Nascimento (Brazil) - Beaten and murdered in his home; his body was found without clothing.221. Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias Praciano (Brazil) - Murdered and had his body dragged through the street.223. Diego Neria Lejarraga (Spain) - Excluded from his church, denied communion and called "the devil's daughter" after coming out as trans.224. Charlie Millers (UK) - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.225. Daughters of unnamed trans man (UK) - His twin daughters were harassed and assaulted by a group of older children using transphobic insults directed toward their father.226. Erik Beda (Russia) - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.227. Ryan Alexander (USA) - Denied medical care by multiple doctors for being transgender, preventing him from being able to get a job.228. Xandan (USA) - Discriminated against for being a feminist trans man while imprisoned. Denied recreation, put in broken cells without a working toilet, had his phone/email line cut, and physically assaulted many times, including by officers.229. Tee “Lagend Billions” Arnold (USA) - Murdered by his girlfriend.230. Unnamed trans man (USA) - Elementary school teacher whose classroom was broken into and his pride flag burned.231. "Adam" (NZ) - Corrections officer who was misgendered, deadnamed, and harassed after coming out at his job. He was called “tranny”, “it” and “boy-girl”, accused of being aggressive due to testosterone, and jokes were made about "converting him back."232. Unnamed trans man (Italy) - Raped in the emergency room by another patient, having gone to the hospital seeking help with familial abuse. Died by suicide. He was misgendered and deadnamed widely in the news, only being known as trans due to a friend's post on Instagram.233. Ciel Del-Toro (USA) - Assaulted in the women's bathroom at a bar by the boyfriend of a cis woman, resulting in brain bleeds and chronic headaches.234. Jamie Dooley (Canada) - Died in solidarity confinement at a women's jail well-known for issues with prisoner care, apparently of drug overdose. Misgendered by the media due to family's preferences. He was unhoused and struggled with mental health issues.235. Elijah Alter, Jacob Diamond, and other unnamed trans men (USA) - Sexually and emotionally abused by activist Rose Montoya. Jacob Diamond was raped days after vagina-preserving phalloplasty and was stalked by her.

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United States
Matthew Angelo Spampinato - Killed in a hit-and-run
Brandon Teena (USA) - Raped and murdered, after the police refused to help him when he went to them after his first rape
Evon Young - Tortured and murdered
Oliver Taylor - 17-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered
Mel Groves - Murdered
Kenneth Bostick - Beaten while living at a homeless shelter with cis men, died in the hospital
Haven Bailey - Shot four times by a police officer while carrying a pellet gun
Khleo Finnie - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs
Kristian Rouse - Nearly beaten to death in his apartment
Dedrek Finley - Abused and assaulted by Rosario Dawson & her family while working for them
Unnamed trans man - Ambushed and assaulted after Pride while wearing a Trans Lives Matter shirt
Amos Beede - Trans man who was beaten and died from his injuries
Myles Utz - Beaten with a chain after a man heard him mention he was trans
Noah Ruiz - Beaten after using the women's bathroom as directed, after a cis woman complained about him
Caesar Lewis - Beaten by bouncers after using the men's bathroom at a club
Ijan DaVonte Jarrett - Punched and stabbed by a white woman after offering to give up his seat to her
Marlow White - Threatened & harassed by his neighbor
Mar’Quis “MJ” Jackson - Found dead from blunt force trauma
Kier Rice - Attacked and repeatedly misgendered & harassed at his place of work
Charles Hardy - Harassed and called the f slur by a woman while with his boyfriend
Emmitt Davis - Harassed and assaulted while being called homophobic slurs
Unnamed trans man - Struck with a cooler and threatened with murder for being trans
Unnamed trans man - Called the f slur and physically assaulted
Unnamed trans man - Groped and punched
Unnamed trans man - Assaulted, robbed, and called transphobic slurs
Unnamed trans man - Knocked out, robbed, beaten, and raped when his attacker realized he was trans
Ky Peterson - Attacked and raped, and imprisoned for three years for killing his rapist
Unnamed trans man - Raped and stalked by a taxi driver; he was later misgendered by the news
Jamel Young - Stopped by police and harassed, misgendered, and sexually assaulted
Semaj Sincere Billingslea - Found in a parking lot with multiple gunshot wounds and died in hospital.
Ace Scott - 15 year old found dead in an abandoned lot
Ray Muscat - Murdered by his girlfriend
Brent Wood - Found dead near dumpsters, having been beaten to death
Avery Palmer - Drugged and raped by a US marshall
Tony McDade - Murdered by police after being called an anti-Black slur
Daniel Aston - Murdered in the Club Q shooting
Poe Black - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal
Novaa Ru Watson - Murdered and deadnamed by police
Brian Powers - Murdered
Dustin Parker - Murdered while giving out free taxi rides on New Year's Eve
Jordan Cofer - Killed in a mass shooting & deadnamed and misgendered by police
Michael Volz - Beaten unconscious after a fundraising event for victims of the Orlando shooting
Shane Devereaux - Assaulted by a group of men and left with a fractured skull
Samson Tequir - Beaten unconscious, called slurs, and threatened with sexual violence
Zahair Martinez - Kicked in the head by seven strangers, had hot coffee poured in his eyes, called a "he-she"
Syre Klenke - Beaten while waiting for the train and kicked out of the Uber he got to escape for being trans
Kayden Clarke - Autistic trans man shot by police during a mental health crisis; he was misgendered by both police and his family.
Yuen “Chin” Tzu - Held in solitary confinement by ICE for 9 months and medically mistreated
Sean Hake - Shot by police during a mental health crisis
Unnamed trans man - Shot in the hip after leaving a bar
Juan Evans - Called "it" and "thing" and threatened with genital search by police during traffic stop
Unnamed trans man - A 15-year-old who was physically and sexually assaulted by three cis boys in the boy's bathroom at their high school
Ollie Thomas - Beaten and robbed by a friend while being insulted for being a trans man
Kashmire Nazier Redd (USA) - Stabbed to death by his girlfriend
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Subjected to multiple invasive genital exams while in women's prison, put in solitary confinement which resulted in heat sickness, and misgendered by staff
Chance Houle - Died by suicide at 12, and was misgendered by both family and the news
Grayson Keck - Died by suicide at 15. He testified against anti-trans laws and his mother believed that those transphobic beliefs is what killed him
Lucas - Harassed and sexually assaulted several times in school
Corbin Ray Bach - Died by suicide after experiencing relentless bullying.
Alex McCray - Died by suicide. He was well-known for having fought for trans bathroom rights in Illinois.
Rob Shaffer - Falsely charged with a DUI and had derogatory remarks made about his gender; he lost his job and his housing as a result
Henry Berg-Brousseau (USA) - Trans activist who died by suicide. His activism meant he dealt with "hateful and vile anti-trans messaging" and his mother reported that he "wondered if he was safe walking down the street".
Terry - Assaulted by a family member because of his gender and thrown out of the house
Alex Van Dalsen - Found dead from bullet wound. His family believes the case was mishandled by police because he was trans
Jeffrey "JJ" Bright - 16 year old trans boy murdered along with his nonbinary sibling Jasmine by their mother
Mac Ohana - Died by suicide at 18 due to medical transphobia which sought to "cure" him of being trans
Tobi Yandle - Threatened and called slurs by a group of cis boys in the boys' bathroom at his school
Unnamed trans boy - Assaulted and bullied by classmates, told he should have been killed
Asher Garcia - Died by suicide at 12. He had experienced physical and sexual abuse as a young child, as well as transphobic bullying when he came out, and was misgendered and deadnamed by his family after his death.
Milo Winslow - Died by suicide
Kai Khan (USA) - Died by suicide. He wanted to be a nurse, but worried people would refuse his care or mistreat him for being trans.
Demarkis Stansberry - Murdered by being shot in the head and deadnamed by the news
Andi Woodhouse - Died by suicide
Nino Acox Jackson - Found dead, potentially died by suicide
Riley Matthew Moscatel - Died by suicide
Elliot Page - Chased by a man calling him the f slur and threatening to kill him
Banko Brown - Homeless trans man shot by a security guard after being accused of shoplifting. He was unable to find housing due to targeting in both men and women's shelters.
Ezra Johnson - Repeatedly harassed via death threats put on his car and inside his apartment's mail room, offering a cash reward for his death and calling him a monster
Nickolas J. McDaniel - Gang-raped by eight cis girl classmates while in high school to "teach it [me] to like being a female." (Hung Jury chp. 10)
John - Murdered by the ex-husband of his girlfriend in the late 1986. "During the murder trial in 1990, the defense proposed the argument that it was not a “real murder,” as John was just an “it”." (Hung Jury chp. 9)
Jacob Williamson - 18-year-old trans men who was murdered after meeting a man he met online for a date; the man's girlfriend has been charged as an accessory to the murder. Jacob has been deadnamed and misgendered by the news.
Renton Sinclair - Son of notorious anti-trans activist Tania Joy Gibson, who abused her son to the point of suicide attempts, drug addiction, homelessness, and forced conversion therapy.

Flint - Transmasculine teacher who was the subject of multiple Fox News stories, leading to them being harassed, called a groomer, and his school receiving a bomb threat
Blake Brockington - Died by suicide at 18. His biological family, who he had become estranged from due to their refusal to accept him, continued deadnamed and misgendered him after he died.
Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton - Wheelchair user who was shot five times with a pellet gun in a drive-by hate crime. He was called the t slur and f slur, and left further disabled because of his injuries.
Big Cliff Trondle - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.
Emmett Brock - Beaten and given a concussion by a police officer who stalked him after he flipped the officer off while driving by. After being arrested, he was interrogated about his genitals, forced to undress for an officer, and put in the women's holding cell. He then lost his job as a teacher and was charged with three felonies.
Charley - 19-year-old who joined the Union army in 1863, but was outed and arrested. He was told he wouldn't be incarcerated in he dressed in women's clothing, but instead he chose to die by suicide.
Camdyn Rider - Murdered by his abusive cis fiancé in a murder-suicide. He was eight months pregnant when he was killed, and the child did not survive. He has been misgendered by the police and some news, as well as by his estranged family. His Facebook has received transphobic harassment after his death.
Ky Schevers - Former radfem detransitioner (now retransitioned) who experience anti-trans conversion therapy from radical feminists. She was in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with detrans activist Devorah Zahav, who preyed on and sexually objectified her transmasculinity.
Morgan Moore - 17-year-old with multiple disabilities who was murdered by neglect. His parents were unaccepting of his gender and he was misgendered by the media after his death.
Corei - 14 year old who died by suicide after experiencing "relentless" transphobia
Colin Smith - Murdered while defending a trans woman friend from a transphobe.
Moe Moore - Found dead in the Ohio river after going missing
Tree Crane - Died by suicide
Myles Fitzpatrick - 17-year-old who died by suicide after experiencing severe transphobic bullying which was ignored by his school
Nova Dunne - Died by suicide, possibly related to transphobic bullying
Omolyn Davis - Discriminated against by his employers and coworkers, including one instance where a coworker put a message on his computer saying "I'm gonna kill you"
Shakeem Malik Holmes - Placed in a female-only jail cell, called "it," interrogated about his genitals, and threatened by a police officer who said he would put his fist down his throat "like a fucking man."
Nikolai Given - Told he was going to hell for being a pregnant trans man
Aaron Lynch - Killed by police during a mental health crisis
Nino Fortson - Shot multiple times during an argument, misgendered in the news
Kayden Coleman - Excluded from pregnancy support spaces by cis women and repeatedly pressured to have an abortion by his doctors.
Nex Benedict - Beaten in the women's bathroom by three cis girls who had been mocking him and another trans person, died the next day.
Myles - Arrested while pregnant when a police officer thought his baby bump was stolen clothes.
Finn - Raped and forcibly impregnated by his at-the-time husband Nathan Larson, a white supremacist and pedophile. He was emotionally abused and traumatized by Larson's descriptions of how he wanted sexually abuse their child. He later died by suicide after their divorce, and was reportedly turned away from multiple mental health centers.
Righteous Torrence "Chevy" Hill - Murdered
Alex Franco - Shot to death and left in the desert
Jeanne Bonnet - 19th-century crossdresser who was murdered in 1876. The murder was never solved. They were harassed by police and arrested for cross-dressng and additional charges. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Dick/Mamie Ruble (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because of their crossdressing and their insistence on being neither male nor female. They died while imprisoned from tuberculosis. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Sophie Lederer (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because he "talks irrationally— acts silly and claims to be a boy." He died while imprisoned from heart disease. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Basil Brown - A genderqueer person who died by suicide at their college after he was raped by three people, including a professor. Xe was misgendered in death and targeted by LibsofTiktok.
Ryan Alexander - Denied medical care by multiple doctors for being transgender, preventing him from being able to get a job.
Ciel Del-Toro - Assaulted in the women's bathroom at a bar by the boyfriend of a cis woman, resulting in brain bleeds and chronic headaches.

Unnamed trans man - Sexually assaulted at knifepoint
Damien Fraser - Found dead on shoreline of a beach, misgendered by police and media
Saye Skye - Assaulted by two men and a woman, called the t-slur
Alex Bastien - Died by suicide at 10 after experiencing precocious puberty and bullying
Ari - Abused, harassed, and repeatedly sexually assaulted while homeless as a youth
Evan Kelemen - Institutionalized as a child for not exhibiting “proper gender behaviors"; he was locked in closets, force-fed, and beaten.
Dimitri Levesque (Canada) - Misgendered and deadnamed during police interrogation, where he was asked invasive questions about his sexuality and menstrual cycle
Bielzinho Costa - Shot by men who invaded his home
Camury Amorim - Shot by men who invaded his home. Close friends attribute his death to transphobia
Kauê Vestemberg - Died by suicide and was misgendered & deadnamed by the news
Fabiano Hilário - Found shot in the head at a dumping ground for murder victims and misgendered by police & media; his friends and family suspect it was motivated by transphobia.
Dr. Igor Lima Potêncio - Died by suicide
Gabriel Godoy (Brazil) - Died by suicide
Alloés Carvalho - Died by suicide and was misgendered after death
Tiago da Silva - Shot to death after being lured into a conversation; misgendered and deadnamed by the media.
Lucas Peres - Found dead in the woods, suspected of having been murdered.
Caio Linhares - Shot to death
Victor - Shot to death
Lourenzo Broken - Pregnant trans man who was threatened with violence by an Uber driver. He and his wife escaped the car and ran away while being chased, which left Lourenzo in extreme pain.
Thadeu "Têu" Nascimento - Beaten and murdered in his home; his body was found without clothing.
Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias Praciano - Murdered and had his body dragged through the street.
Valentín Quezada Saldías - Found dead under a bridge after having gone missing
Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes - A camiona (butch lesbian) who was murdered, and had been previously harassed by cis men who sought to "correct her" and "make her a woman." She lived in Valparaíso, a region known for its lesbophobic violence.
Unnamed camiona- Whipped with chains while being called lesbophobic slurs. Also from Valparaíso.
Carolina Torres - Brutally beaten and permanently disabled by cis men who specifically targeted her, and not her femme girlfriend, for being a camiona; during the attempted murder, they asked her "Why do you dress like a man?"
Éber - Murdered and dismembered by a man he knew
Puerto Rico
Yampi Mendez Arocho - Found dead with multiple gunshot wounds and initially misgendered by the police.
Samuel Edmund Damián Valentín - Murdered, found with multiple gunshot wounds
Luis Ángel Díaz Castro - Killed by his abusive ex-partner, who shoved his body in a closet.
León Pindo Cuenca - Shot by hitmen
Cristian Nicola - Shot by hitmen
Mateo Briones Alvarado - 16 year old shot multiple times
Giyo Castillo - Shot to death
Jorge - Forced into conversion therapy where he was physically abused and made to wear sexy feminine clothing.
Tehuel de La Torre - Went missing on 11 March 2021 and has not been found; he has been misgendered by the media. Two men have been charged with aggravated homicide.
Santiago Cancinos (Argentina) - 14 year old trans boy believed to have died by suicide
Renato Estrada - Murdered, his partner believes it was a hate crime
Cristhian - Shot by two men
Consejito - Shot to death after leaving his job, body showed "other signs of violence"
Unnamed trans man - Found dead from gunshot wounds alongside a trans woman


United Kingdom
Scott Wilson - Raped by a man who knew he was transgender
Unnamed trans man - Groped by a drunk woman trying to figure out his gender
Ruan Filipe - Slashed with a knife and had his pants and underwear cut off
Trey Lowery and Cori Smith - Misgendered and mistreated at Highland Hospital
Dalton Harrison - Harassed and misgendered in women's prisons
Kade - Assaulted for being gay and trans
Naith Payton - Harassed by a woman and her children on a train
Unnamed trans boy - Died by suicide at 12 after experiencing bullying which was ignored by his school. After his death the school misgendered and deadnamed him, told the students they were not allowed to express grief or pay tribute on social media, and refused to acknowledge the bullying which caused his death.
Finn Hall - Died by suicide at 16
Unnamed trans man - Beaten and robbed while being insulted for being trans, ended up in hospital
Marty Dragonova - Died by suicide, possibly as a result of NHS waiting times, treatment delays, and/or medical transphobia
Ellis Murphy Richards - Died by suicide at 15
Unnamed trans man - Disabled trans man who was scratched and had his hand crushed by TERFs after intercepting a Posie Parker rally by pretending to be a detransitioner and attempting to dismantle the mic during his speech.
Noah O'Brien - 14 year old who died by suicide after being denied puberty blockers and HRT
Matty Sheldrick - Died by suicide outside the A&E which medically abused him
Charlie Millers - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.
Daughters of unnamed trans man - Harassed and assaulted by a group of older children using transphobic insults directed toward their father.
Roberto - Murdered by two women who had held him captive and tortured him for two years
Lucas - Died by suicide
Alan Cusso - Died by suicide at 17 due to transphobic bullying and assault by cis girls
Iván Guadalupe Lima Fortete - Died by suicide after being bullied for being trans and Argentine
Daniel - Beaten and called a degenerate two men while walking his dog. He believes he was recognized because of his Youtube channel.
Diego Neria Lejarraga - Excluded from his church, denied communion and called "the devil's daughter" after coming out as trans.
Unnamed trans man - Attacked after a Pride event and left with a fractured skull and abnormalities in their brain
Callum Kenney - Had his ribs broken in a transphobic attack
Valera - Raped and murdered after coming out to his neighbors
Unnamed trans man - Harassed and raped on train
Erik Beda - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.
Sharky - Tounisian immigrant stabbed by terrorists to "make an example of him"
Unnamed trans boy - Harassed and assaulted, along with his family, after a pride parade
Samuel Hoffmann - Found dead in his home, suspected of having been murdered
Samir Seif Bouabadali (Sweden) - Died by suicide after coming to Sweden as a refugee when his Moroccan family rejected him
Rafael Romeu de Brito - Died by suicide
Malte C. - Murdered at a protest while defending other queer people after the attacker recognized him as a trans man
Vanja Vukajlović - Assaulted by the same people who had assaulted him in the past
Unnamed trans man - Forced out of his home & assaulted
Unnamed trans man - Assaulted by three men after using the men's bathroom, and called the t-slur by a taxi driver after escaping
Maria Paola Gaglione - A cis woman who was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after getting engaged to a trans man
Unnamed trans man - Raped in the emergency room by another patient, having gone to the hospital seeking help with familial abuse. Died by suicide. He was misgendered and deadnamed widely in the news, only being known as trans due to a friend's post on Instagram.
Bobby Melon (France) - Died by suicide. He was a disabled sex worker who dropped out of school at 16, was assaulted, unable to medically transition, and denied help and frequently misgendered by institutions meant to help him. He was buried in makeup and under his birth name.
Jay Hoarau - Died by suicide at 16 after years of verbal, physical, and online harassment
Tal Piterbraut-Merx - Jewish intersectional activist who died by suicide.
Augustus Baudouin - A 17-year-old arrested in 1860 for robbery and outed while in prison. He was moved to the women's prison, but "[his] repugnance to appear in women's attire among her fellow prisoners was so great that [he] committed suicide by hanging [him]self to an iron bar with a pocket hankerchief."
Maël Eden Paufert - Died by suicide


Ahmed El-Tounsi - Beaten by police and denied medical treatment at two different hospitals
Chriton Atuhwera - Ugandan refugee murdered after his shelter at a refugee camp was firebombed; residents believe this was a homophobic hate crime
Phillip - Assaulted by police officers along with another trans man for "doing lesbian activities"
Ezz Eldin/Ahmed Fares - Bled to death after being prematurely discharged post-hysterectomy from an unauthorized clinic.


Gautam Ramachandra and Shaman Gupta - Arrested, beaten, and threatened by police to try and force them to give the location of a trans man who had come to their shelter for protection from his abusive cop father.
Shakti - Forcibly undressed by prison guards and mocked for being trans
Aditya - Forced to return to abusive family by police
Shivy - Lured to India from US by his parents under false pretenses, then held hostage and physically and emotionally abused
Boni Pal - An intersex former football player who was rejected by his family, harassed, and beaten after being publicly outed as intersex and transitioning
Vivek Azad - Beaten frequently and had men sent to rape him by his transphobic family. His family also burned his school certificates and an employment letter to prevent him from getting education or a job.
Abhay "Shrey" Gondane - Left to die after being forced to jump from the second-story of a bar to escape the bouncers, who had beat him and a trans woman friend with chairs
Selvam - Beaten by police to force him to give them the location of a queer activist sheltering a lesbian couple
Praveen Nath - First trans bodybuilder died by suicide after being cyberbullied following his publicized marriage to a trans woman. His wife has been alleged to have physically and emotionally abused him.
Kavi/Kaveri - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.
Manoj - 17-year-old who was tied up, beaten, locked in, and threatened with murder by his family after coming out as a straight trans man. He was also taken out of school and forced into marriage with a much older man.
Yoshi Tsuchida - Murdered and mutilated by having his face cut off
Ebeng Mayor - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.
Unnamed trans boy - Died by suicide; his parents were unsupportive of his transition
Rodgrigo Ventocilla - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.
Unnamed trans man - A member of the Qatar royal family fled and went into hiding with his girlfriend after his freedom was restricted by his family.
Unnamed trans man - Harassed by men who believed him to be a trans woman, and arrested for crossdressing
Fariman - Repeatedly arrested and sexually assaulted by morality police
Saudi Arabia
Alvin - Went through religious conversion therapy as a child, tricked by doctor offering transition care resulting in him being tracked by the morality police.


Unnamed trans man - Abused by hospital staff and threatened with murder by another patient's family
Sebastian Taylor - 13-year-old assaulted by a man while riding the train home from school
Edward De Lacy Evans - 19th century trans man who was put in an asylum and sexually assaulted by doctors in order to "treat" him, and was later put in a traveling carnival
Ingram Gordon - Died by suicide
Onyx John - 13-year-old who died by suicide after being bullied following his coming out and switch to using he/him pronouns. At one point, he was cornered in the bathroom by girls who tried to "bash" him.
Harcourt Payne - Outed in the 1930s when he was bathed against his will at a hospital. Because they could only arrest him for crossdressing if it was done with criminal intent, they instead institutionalized him to force him into detransitioning.
Unnamed trans man - Digitally (using fingers) raped in his home by a cis woman while he was intoxicated.
New Zealand
"Adam" - Corrections officer who was misgendered, deadnamed, and harassed after coming out at his job. He was called “tranny”, “it” and “boy-girl”, accused of being aggressive due to testosterone, and jokes were made about "converting him back."
List - Home


White American/European

Matthew Angelo Spampinato (USA) - Killed in a hit-and-run
Roberto (Spain) - Murdered by two women who had held him captive and tortured him for two years
Brandon Teena (USA) - Raped and murdered, after the police refused to help him when he went to them after his first rape
Oliver Taylor (USA) - 17-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered
Valera- Raped and murdered after coming out to his neighbors
Haven Bailey (USA) - Shot four times by a police officer while carrying a pellet gun
Vanja Vukajlović (Serbia) - Assaulted by the same people who had assaulted him in the past
Malte C. (Germany) - Murdered at a protest while defending other queer people after the attacker recognized him as a trans man
Amos Beede (USA) - Trans man who was beaten and died from his injuries
Emmitt Davis (USA) - Harassed and assaulted while being called homophobic slurs
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Called the f slur and physically assaulted
Edward De Lacy Evans (Australia) - 19th century trans man who was put in an asylum and sexually assaulted by doctors in order to "treat" him, and was later put in a traveling carnival
Damien Fraser (Canada) - Found dead on shoreline of a beach, misgendered by police and media
Ray Muscat (USA) - Murdered by his girlfriend
Brent Wood (USA) - Found dead near dumpsters, having been beaten to death
Samuel Hoffmann (Sweden) - Found dead in his home, suspected of having been murdered
Daniel Aston (USA) - Murdered in the Club Q shooting
Dustin Parker (USA) - Murdered while giving out free taxi rides on New Year's Eve
Jordan Cofer (USA) - Killed in a mass shooting & deadnamed and misgendered by police
Callum Kenney (USA) - Had his ribs broken in a transphobic attack
Ruan Filipe (UK) - Slashed with a knife and had his pants and underwear cut off
Dalton Harrison (UK) - Harassed and misgendered in women's prisons
Maria Paola Gaglione (Italy) - A cis woman who was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after getting engaged to a trans man
Kade (UK) - Assaulted for being gay and trans
Kayden Clarke (USA) - Autistic trans man shot by police during a mental health crisis; he was misgendered by both police and his family.
Naith Payton (UK) - Harassed by a woman and her children on a train
Finn Hall (UK) - Died by suicide at 16
Ingram Gordon (Australia) - Died by suicide
Alex Bastien (Canada) - Died by suicide at 10 after experiencing precocious puberty and bullying
Bobby Melon (France) - Died by suicide. He was a disabled sex worker who dropped out of school at 16, was assaulted, unable to medically transition, and denied help and frequently misgendered by institutions meant to help him. He was buried in makeup and under his birth name.
Ari (Canada) - Abused, harassed, and repeatedly sexually assaulted while homeless as a youth
Chance Houle (USA) - Died by suicide at 12, and was misgendered by both family and the news
Grayson Keck (USA) - Died by suicide at 15. He testified against anti-trans laws and his mother believed that those transphobic beliefs is what killed him
Marty Dragonova (UK) - Died by suicide, possibly as a result of NHS waiting times, treatment delays, and/or medical transphobia
Ellis Murphy Richards (UK) - Died by suicide at 15
Evan Kelemen (Canada) - Institutionalized as a child for not exhibiting “proper gender behaviors"; he was locked in closets, force-fed, and beaten.
Alex McCray (USA) - Died by suicide. He was well-known for having fought for trans bathroom rights in Illinois.
Corbin Ray Bach (USA) - Died by suicide after experiencing relentless bullying.
Lucas (Spain) - Died by suicide
Henry Berg-Brousseau (USA) - Trans activist who died by suicide. His activism meant he dealt with "hateful and vile anti-trans messaging" and his mother reported that he "wondered if he was safe walking down the street".
Michael Volz (USA) - Beaten unconscious after a fundraising event for victims of the Orlando shooting
Alex Van Dalsen (USA) - Found dead from bullet wound. His family believes the case was mishandled by police because he was trans
Alan Cusso (Spain) - Died by suicide at 17 due to transphobic bullying and assault by cis girls
Mac Ohana - Died by suicide at 18 due to medical transphobia which sought to "cure" him of being trans
Leo Etherington - Died by suicide at 15 after being denied a name change by his school and being told by his doctor he would not be eligible for surgery on the NHS
Unnamed trans boy - Assaulted and bullied by classmates, told he should have been killed
Milo Winslow (USA) - Died by suicide
Tal Piterbraut-Merx (France) - Jewish intersectional activist who died by suicide.
Andi Woodhouse (USA) - Died by suicide
Riley Matthew Moscatel (USA) - Died by suicide
Elliot Page (USA) - Chased by a man calling him the f slur and threatening to kill him
Ezra Johnson (USA) - Repeatedly harassed via death threats put on his car and inside his apartment's mail room, offering a cash reward for his death and calling him a monster
Nickolas J. McDaniel (USA) - Gang-raped by eight cis girl classmates while in high school to "teach it [me] to like being a female." (Hung Jury chp. 10)
Jacob Williamson (USA) - 18-year-old trans men who was murdered after meeting a man he met online for a date; the man's girlfriend has been charged as an accessory to the murder. Jacob has been deadnamed and misgendered by the news.
Renton Sinclair (USA) - Son of notorious anti-trans activist Tania Joy Gibson, who abused her son to the point of suicide attempts, drug addiction, homelessness, and forced conversion therapy.
Dimitri Levesque (Canada) - Misgendered and deadnamed during police interrogation, where he was asked invasive questions about his sexuality and menstrual cycle
Flint (USA) - Transmasculine teacher who was the subject of multiple Fox News stories, leading to them being harassed, called a groomer, and his school receiving a bomb threat
Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton (USA) - Wheelchair user who was shot five times with a pellet gun in a drive-by hate crime. He was called the t slur and f slur, and left further disabled because of his injuries.
Augustus Baudouin (France) - A 17-year-old arrested in 1860 for robbery and outed while in prison. He was moved to the women's prison, but "[his] repugnance to appear in women's attire among her fellow prisoners was so great that [he] committed suicide by hanging [him]self to an iron bar with a pocket hankerchief."
Big Cliff Trondle (USA) - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.
Charley (USA) - 19-year-old who joined the Union army in 1863, but was outed and arrested. He was told he wouldn't be incarcerated in he dressed in women's clothing, but instead he chose to die by suicide.
Camdyn Rider (USA) - Murdered by his abusive cis fiancé in a murder-suicide. He was eight months pregnant when he was killed, and the child did not survive. He has been misgendered by the police and some news, as well as by his estranged family. His Facebook has received transphobic harassment after his death.
Ky Schevers (USA) - Former radfem detransitioner (now retransitioned) who experience anti-trans conversion therapy from radical feminists. She was in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with detrans activist Devorah Zahav, who preyed on and sexually objectified her transmasculinity.
Harcourt Payne (Australia) - Outed in the 1930s when he was bathed against his will at a hospital. Because they could only arrest him for crossdressing if it was done with criminal intent, they instead institutionalized him to force him into detransitioning.
Corei (USA) - 14 year old who died by suicide after experiencing "relentless" transphobia
Colin Smith (USA) - Murdered while defending a trans woman friend from a transphobe.
Tree Crane (USA) - Died by suicide
Noah O'Brien (UK) - 14 year old who died by suicide after being denied puberty blockers and HRT
Myles Fitzpatrick (USA) - 17-year-old who died by suicide after experiencing severe transphobic bullying which was ignored by his school
Matty Sheldrick (UK) - Died by suicide outside the A&E which medically abused him
Nova Dunne (USA) - Died by suicide, possibly related to transphobic bullying
Maël Eden Paufert (France) - Died by suicide
Nikolai Given (USA) - Told he was going to hell for being a pregnant trans man
Aaron Lynch (USA) - Killed by police during a mental health crisis
Alex Franco (USA) - Shot to death and left in the desert

Jeanne Bonnet (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser who was murdered in 1876. The murder was never solved. They were harassed by police and arrested for cross-dressng and additional charges. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Dick/Mamie Ruble (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because of their crossdressing and their insistence on being neither male nor female. They died while imprisoned from tuberculosis. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Sophie Lederer (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because he "talks irrationally— acts silly and claims to be a boy." He died while imprisoned from heart disease. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Basil Brown (USA) - A genderqueer person who died by suicide at their college after he was raped by three people, including a professor. Xe was misgendered in death and targeted by LibsofTiktok.
Charlie Millers (UK) - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.
Erik Beda (Russia) - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.
Ryan Alexander (USA) - Denied medical care by multiple doctors for being transgender, preventing him from being able to get a job.

Black American / European

Evon Young (USA) - Tortured and murdered
Mel Groves (USA) - Murdered
Kenneth Bostick (USA) - Beaten while living at a homeless shelter with cis men, died in the hospital
Kristian Rouse (USA) - Nearly beaten to death in his apartment
Myles Utz (USA) - Beaten with a chain after a man heard him mention he was trans
Ijan DaVonte Jarrett (USA) - Punched and stabbed by a white woman after offering to give up his seat to her
Marlow White (USA) - Threatened & harassed by his neighbor
Mar’Quis “MJ” Jackson (USA) - Found dead from blunt force trauma
Kier Rice (USA) - Attacked and repeatedly misgendered & harassed at his place of work
Ky Peterson (USA) - Attacked and raped, and imprisoned for three years for killing his rapist
Jamel Young (USA) - Stopped by police and harassed, misgendered, and sexually assaulted
Semaj Sincere Billingslea (USA) - Found in a parking lot with multiple gunshot wounds and died in hospital.
Ace Scott (USA) - 15 year old found dead in an abandoned lot
Avery Palmer (USA) - Drugged and raped by a US marshall
Tony McDade (USA) - Murdered by police after being called an anti-Black slur
Novaa Ru Watson (USA) - Murdered and deadnamed by police
Brian Powers (USA) - Murdered
Samson Tequir (USA) - Beaten unconscious, called slurs, and threatened with sexual violence
Zahair Martinez (USA) - Kicked in the head by seven strangers, had hot coffee poured in his eyes, called a "he-she"
Ollie Thomas (USA) - Beaten and robbed by a friend while being insulted for being a trans man
Kashmire Nazier Redd (USA) - Stabbed to death by his girlfriend
Jeffrey "JJ" Bright (USA) - 16 year old trans boy murdered along with his nonbinary sibling Jasmine by their mother
Demarkis Stansberry (USA) - Murdered by being shot in the head and deadnamed by the news
Nino Acox Jackson (USA) - Found dead, potentially died by suicide
Banko Brown (USA) - Homeless trans man shot by a security guard after being accused of shoplifting. He was unable to find housing due to targeting in both men and women's shelters.
Blake Brockington (USA) - Died by suicide at 18. His biological family, who he had become estranged from due to their refusal to accept him, continued deadnamed and misgendered him after he died.
Morgan Moore (USA) - 17-year-old with multiple disabilities who was murdered by neglect. His parents were unaccepting of his gender and he was misgendered by the media after his death.
Lucas Peres (Brazil) - Found dead in the woods, suspected of having been murdered.
Moe Moore (USA) - Found dead in the Ohio river after going missing
Omolyn Davis (USA) - Discriminated against by his employers and coworkers, including one instance where a coworker put a message on his computer saying "I'm gonna kill you"
Nino Fortson (USA) - Shot multiple times during an argument, misgendered in the news
Kayden Coleman (USA) - Excluded from pregnancy support spaces by cis women and repeatedly pressured to have an abortion by his doctors.
Myles (USA) - Arrested while pregnant when a police officer thought his baby bump was stolen clothes.
Righteous Torrence "Chevy" Hill (USA) - Murdered
Thadeu "Têu" Nascimento (Brazil) - Beaten and murdered in his home; his body was found without clothing.


Ahmed El-Tounsi (Tounisia) - Beaten by police and denied medical treatment at two different hospitals
Chriton Atuhwera (Kenya) - Ugandan refugee murdered after his shelter at a refugee camp was firebombed; residents believe this was a homophobic hate crime
Phillip (Malawi) - Assaulted by police officers along with another trans man for "doing lesbian activities"
Sharky (Belgium) - Tounisian immigrant stabbed by terrorists to "make an example of him"
Samir Seif Bouabadali (Sweden) - Died by suicide after coming to Sweden as a refugee when his Moroccan family rejected him
Ezz Eldin/Ahmed Fares (Egypt) - Bled to death after being prematurely discharged post-hysterectomy from an unauthorized clinic.


Yoshi Tsuchida (Japan) - Murdered and mutilated by having his face cut off
Ebeng Mayor (Philipines) - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.
Gautam Ramachandra and Shaman Gupta (India) - Arrested, beaten, and threatened by police to try and force them to give the location of a trans man who had come to their shelter for protection from his abusive cop father.
Shakti (India) - Forcibly undressed by prison guards and mocked for being trans
Aditya (India) - Forced to return to abusive family by police
Unnamed trans man (Qatar) - A member of the Qatar royal family fled and went into hiding with his girlfriend after his freedom was restricted by his family.
Saye Skye (Canada) - Assaulted by two men and a woman, called the t-slur
Yuen “Chin” Tzu (USA) - Held in solitary confinement by ICE for 9 months and medically mistreated
Shivy (India) - Lured to India from US by his parents under false pretenses, then held hostage and physically and emotionally abused
Boni Pal (India) - An intersex former football player who was rejected by his family, harassed, and beaten after being publicly outed as intersex and transitioning
Fariman (Iran) - Repeatedly arrested and sexually assaulted by morality police
Vivek Azad (India) - Beaten frequently and had men sent to rape him by his transphobic family. His family also burned his school certificates and an employment letter to prevent him from getting education or a job.
Kai Khan (USA) - Died by suicide. He wanted to be a nurse, but worried people would refuse his care or mistreat him for being trans.
Abhay "Shrey" Gondane (India) - Left to die after being forced to jump from the second-story of a bar to escape the bouncers, who had beat him and a trans woman friend with chairs
Selvam (India) - Beaten by police to force him to give them the location of a queer activist sheltering a lesbian couple
Praveen Nath (India) - First trans bodybuilder died by suicide after being cyberbullied following his publicized marriage to a trans woman. His wife has been alleged to have physically and emotionally abused him.
Unnamed trans boy (Vietnam) - Died by suicide; his parents were unsupportive of his transition
Kavi/Kaveri (India) - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.
Alvin (Saudi Arabia) - Went through religious conversion therapy as a child, tricked by doctor offering transition care resulting in him being tracked by the morality police.


Yampi Mendez Arocho (Puerto Rico) - Found dead with multiple gunshot wounds and initially misgendered by the police.
Samuel Edmund Damián Valentín (Puerto Rico) - Murdered, found with multiple gunshot wounds
Rodgrigo Ventocilla (Indonesia) - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.
Noah Ruiz (USA) - Beaten after using the women's bathroom as directed, after a cis woman complained about him
Valentín Quezada Saldías (Chile) - Found dead under a bridge after having gone missing
Renato Estrada (Guatemala) - Murdered, his partner believes it was a hate crime
Cristhian (Mexico) - Shot by two men
León Pindo Cuenca (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen
Bielzinho Costa (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home
Cristian Nicola (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen
Camury Amorim (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home. Close friends attribute his death to transphobia
Juan Evans (USA) - Called "it" and "thing" and threatened with genital search by police during traffic stop
Kauê Vestemberg (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered & deadnamed by the news
Tehuel de La Torre (Argentina) - Went missing on 11 March 2021 and has not been found; he has been misgendered by the media. Two men have been charged with aggravated homicide.
Fabiano Hilário (Brazil) - Found shot in the head at a dumping ground for murder victims and misgendered by police & media; his friends and family suspect it was motivated by transphobia.
Dr. Igor Lima Potêncio (Brazil) - Died by suicide
Gabriel Godoy (Brazil) - Died by suicide
Alloés Carvalho (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered after death
Santiago Cancinos (Argentina) - 14 year old trans boy believed to have died by suicide
Asher Garcia (USA) - Died by suicide at 12. He had experienced physical and sexual abuse as a young child, as well as transphobic bullying when he came out, and was misgendered and deadnamed by his family after his death.
Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes (Chile) - A camiona (butch lesbian) who was murdered, and had been previously harassed by cis men who sought to "correct her" and "make her a woman." She lived in Valparaíso, a region known for its lesbophobic violence.
Carolina Torres (Chile) - Brutally beaten and permanently disabled by cis men who specifically targeted her, and not her femme girlfriend, for being a camiona; during the attempted murder, they asked her "Why do you dress like a man?"
Luis Ángel Díaz Castro (Puerto Rico) - Killed by his abusive ex-partner, who shoved his body in a closet.
Éber (Chile) - Murdered and dismembered by a man he knew
Tiago da Silva (Brazil) - Shot to death after being lured into a conversation; misgendered and deadnamed by the media.
Lucas Peres (Brazil) - Found dead in the woods, suspected of having been murdered.
Mateo Briones Alvarado (Ecuador) - 16 year old shot multiple times
Caio Linhares (Brazil) - Shot to death
Consejito (Mexico) - Shot to death after leaving his job, body showed "other signs of violence"
Giyo Castillo (Ecuador) - Shot to death
Victor (Brazil) - Shot to death
Iván Guadalupe Lima Fortete (Spain) - Died by suicide after being bullied for being trans and Argentine
Lourenzo Broken (Brazil) - Pregnant trans man who was threatened with violence by an Uber driver. He and his wife escaped the car and ran away while being chased, which left Lourenzo in extreme pain.
Thadeu "Têu" Nascimento (Brazil) - Beaten and murdered in his home; his body was found without clothing.
Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias Praciano (Brazil) - Murdered and had his body dragged through the street.

Indigenous American

Poe Black (USA) - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal
Nex Benedict (USA) - Beaten in the women's bathroom by three cis girls who had been mocking him and another trans person, died the next day.


Khleo Finnie (USA) - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs
Dedrek Finley (USA) - Abused and assaulted by Rosario Dawson & her family while working for them
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Ambushed and assaulted after Pride while wearing a Trans Lives Matter shirt
Unnamed trans man (Montenegro) - Forced out of his home & assaulted
Caesar Lewis (USA) - Beaten by bouncers after using the men's bathroom at a club
Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Abused by hospital staff and threatened with murder by another patient's family
Charles Hardy (USA) - Harassed and called the f slur by a woman while with his boyfriend
Unnnamed trans man (USA) - Struck with a cooler and threatened with murder for being trans
Unnamed trans man (Russia) - Harassed and raped on train
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Groped and punched
Sebastian Taylor (Australia) - 13-year-old assaulted by a man while riding the train home from school
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Knocked out, robbed, beaten, and raped when his attacker realized he was trans
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Raped and later stalked by a taxi driver
Unnamed trans man (Canada) - Sexually assaulted at knifepoint
Unnamed trans man (Ireland) - Attacked after a Pride event and left with a fractured skull and abnormalities in their brain
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Groped by a drunk woman trying to figure out his gender
Trey Lowery and Cori Smith (UK) - Misgendered and mistreated at Highland Hospital
Shane Devereaux (USA) - Assaulted by a group of men and left with a fractured skull
Unnamed trans man (Iceland) - Assaulted by three men after using the men's bathroom, and called the t-slur by a taxi driver after escaping
Syre Klenke (USA) - Beaten while waiting for the train and kicked out of the Uber he got to escape for being trans
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Shot in the hip after leaving a bar
Unnamed trans boy (UK) - Died by suicide at 12 after experiencing bullying which was ignored by his school. After his death the school misgendered and deadnamed him, told the students they were not allowed to express grief or pay tribute on social media, and refused to acknowledge the bullying which caused his death.
Unnamed trans man (USA) - A 15-year-old who was physically and sexually assaulted by three cis boys in the boy's bathroom at their high school
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Subjected to multiple invasive genital exams while in women's prison, put in solitary confinement which resulted in heat sickness, and misgendered by staff
Lucas (USA) - Harassed and sexually assaulted several times in school
Rob Shaffer (USA) - Falsely charged with a DUI and had derogatory remarks made about his gender; he lost his job and his housing as a result
Terry (USA) - Assaulted by a family member because of his gender and thrown out of the house
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Beaten and robbed while being insulted for being trans, ended up in hospital
Tobi Yandle (USA) - Threatened and called slurs by a group of cis boys in the boys' bathroom at his school
Unnamed trans boy (Belgium) - Harassed and assaulted, along with his family, after a pride parade
Jay Hoarau (France) - Died by suicide at 16 after years of verbal, physical, and online harassment
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Disabled trans man who was scratched and had his hand crushed by TERFs after intercepting a Posie Parker rally by pretending to be a detransitioner and attempting to dismantle the mic during his speech.
John (USA) - Murdered by the ex-husband of his girlfriend in the late 1986. "During the murder trial in 1990, the defense proposed the argument that it was not a “real murder,” as John was just an “it”." (Hung Jury chp. 9)
Unnamed camiona (Chile) - Whipped with chains while being called lesbophobic slurs. Also from Valparaíso.
Emmett Brock (USA) - Beaten and given a concussion by a police officer who stalked him after he flipped the officer off while driving by. After being arrested, he was interrogated about his genitals, forced to undress for an officer, and put in the women's holding cell. He then lost his job as a teacher and was charged with three felonies.
Onyx John (Australia) - 13-year-old who died by suicide after being bullied following his coming out and switch to using he/him pronouns. At one point, he was cornered in the bathroom by girls who tried to "bash" him.
Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Digitally (using fingers) raped in his home by a cis woman while he was intoxicated.
Shakeem Malik Holmes (USA) - Placed in a female-only jail cell, called "it," interrogated about his genitals, and threatened by a police officer who said he would put his fist down his throat "like a fucking man."
Unnamed trans man (Mexico) - Found dead from gunshot wounds alongside a trans woman
Diego Neria Lejarraga (Spain) - Excluded from his church, denied communion and called "the devil's daughter" after coming out as trans.
Daughters of unnamed trans man (UK) - His twin daughters were harassed and assaulted by a group of older children using transphobic insults directed toward their father.
"Adam" (NZ) - Corrections officer who was misgendered, deadnamed, and harassed after coming out at his job. He was called “tranny”, “it” and “boy-girl”, accused of being aggressive due to testosterone, and jokes were made about "converting him back."
Unnamed trans man (Italy) - Raped in the emergency room by another patient, having gone to the hospital seeking help with familial abuse. Died by suicide. He was misgendered and deadnamed widely in the news, only being known as trans due to a friend's post on Instagram.
Ciel Del-Toro (USA) - Assaulted in the women's bathroom at a bar by the boyfriend of a cis woman, resulting in brain bleeds and chronic headaches.
List - Home

Type of Violence


Matthew Angelo Spampinato (USA) - Killed in a hit-and-run
Roberto (Spain) - Murdered by two women who had held him captive and tortured him for two years
Yampi Mendez Arocho (Puerto Rico) - Found dead with multiple gunshot wounds and initially misgendered by the police.
Ebeng Mayor (Philippines) - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.
Brandon Teena (USA) - Raped and murdered, after the police refused to help him when he went to them after his first rape
Evon Young (USA) - Tortured and murdered
Samuel Edmund Damián Valentín (Puerto Rico) - Murdered, found with multiple gunshot wounds
Oliver Taylor (USA) - 17-year-old who was kidnapped and murdered
Mel Groves (USA) - Murdered
Valera (Russia) - Raped and murdered after coming out to his neighbors
Kenneth Bostick (USA) - Beaten while living at a homeless shelter with cis men, died in the hospital
Haven Bailey (USA) - Shot four times by a police officer while carrying a pellet gun
Malte C. (Germany) - Murdered at a protest while defending other queer people after the attacker recognized him as a trans man
Rodgrigo Ventocilla (Indonesia) - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.
Amos Beede (USA) - Trans man who was beaten and died from his injuries
Yoshi Tsuchida (Japan) - Murdered and mutilated by having his face cut off
Semaj Sincere Billingslea (USA) - Found in a parking lot with multiple gunshot wounds and died in hospital.
Renato Estrada (Guatemala) - Murdered, his partner believes it was a hate crime
Ray Muscat (USA) - Murdered by his girlfriend
Cristhian (Mexico) - Shot by two men
Brent Wood (USA) - Found dead near dumpsters, having been beaten to death
Samuel Hoffmann (Sweden) - Found dead in his home, suspected of having been murdered
León Pindo Cuenca (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen
Bielzinho Costa (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home
Cristian Nicola (Ecuador) - Shot by hitmen
Camury Amorim (Brazil) - Shot by men who invaded his home. Close friends attribute his death to transphobia
Tony McDade (USA) - Murdered by police after being called an anti-Black slur
Daniel Aston (USA) - Murdered in the Club Q shooting
Poe Black - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal
Novaa Ru Watson (USA) - Murdered and deadnamed by police
Brian Powers (USA) - Murdered
Dustin Parker (USA) - Murdered while giving out free taxi rides on New Year's Eve
Jordan Cofer (USA) - Killed in a mass shooting & deadnamed and misgendered by police
Chriton Atuhwera (Kenya) - Ugandan refugee murdered after his shelter at a refugee camp was firebombed; residents believe this was a homophobic hate crime
Maria Paola Gaglione (Italy) - A cis woman who was murdered by her brother to "teach her a lesson" after getting engaged to a trans man
Kayden Clarke (USA) - Autistic trans man shot by police during a mental health crisis; he was misgendered by both police and his family.
Kashmire Nazier Redd (USA) - Stabbed to death by his girlfriend
Fabiano Hilário (Brazil) - Found shot in the head at a dumping ground for murder victims and misgendered by police & media; his friends and family suspect it was motivated by transphobia.
Jeffrey "JJ" Bright (USA) - 16 year old trans boy murdered along with his nonbinary sibling Jasmine by their mother
Demarkis Stansberry (USA) - Murdered by being shot in the head and deadnamed by the news
Abhay "Shrey" Gondane (India) - Left to die after being forced to jump from the second-story of a bar to escape the bouncers, who had beat him and a trans woman friend with chairs
Banko Brown (USA) - Homeless trans man shot by a security guard after being accused of shoplifting. He was unable to find housing due to targeting in both men and women's shelters.
Ezz Eldin/Ahmed Fares (Egypt) - Bled to death after being prematurely discharged post-hysterectomy from an unauthorized clinic.
John (USA) - Murdered by the ex-husband of his girlfriend in the late 1986. "During the murder trial in 1990, the defense proposed the argument that it was not a “real murder,” as John was just an “it”." (Hung Jury chp. 9)
Nicole Saavedra Bahamondes (Chile) - A camiona (butch lesbian) who was murdered, and had been previously harassed by cis men who sought to "correct her" and "make her a woman." She lived in Valparaíso, a region known for its lesbophobic violence.
Jacob Williamson (USA) - 18-year-old trans men who was murdered after meeting a man he met online for a date; the man's girlfriend has been charged as an accessory to the murder. Jacob has been deadnamed and misgendered by the news.
Big Cliff Trondle (USA) - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.
Camdyn Rider (USA) - Murdered by his abusive cis fiancé in a murder-suicide. He was eight months pregnant when he was killed, and the child did not survive. He has been misgendered by the police and some news, as well as by his estranged family. His Facebook has received transphobic harassment after his death.
Morgan Moore (USA) - 17-year-old with multiple disabilities who was murdered by neglect. His parents were unaccepting of his gender and he was misgendered by the media after his death.
Luis Ángel Díaz Castro (Puerto Rico) - Killed by his abusive ex-partner, who shoved his body in a closet.
Éber (Chile) - Murdered and dismembered by a man he knew
Colin Smith (USA) - Murdered while defending a trans woman friend from a transphobe.
Mateo Briones Alvarado (Ecuador) - 16 year old shot multiple times
Caio Linhares (Brazil) - Shot to death
Consejito (Mexico) - Shot to death after leaving his job, body showed "other signs of violence"
Giyo Castillo (Ecuador) - Shot to death
Victor (Brazil) - Shot to death
Kavi/Kaveri (India) - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.
Aaron Lynch (USA) - Killed by police during a mental health crisis
Unnamed trans man (Mexico) - Found dead from gunshot wounds alongside a trans woman
Nino Fortson (USA) - Shot multiple times during an argument, misgendered in the news
Nex Benedict (USA) - Beaten in the women's bathroom by three cis girls who had been mocking him and another trans person, died the next day.
Righteous Torrence "Chevy" Hill (USA) - Murdered
Alex Franco (USA) - Shot to death and left in the desert
Jeanne Bonnet (USA) 19th-century crossdresser who was murdered in 1876. The murder was never solved. They were harassed by police and arrested for cross-dressng and additional charges. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Thadeu "Têu" Nascimento (Brazil) - Beaten and murdered in his home; his body was found without clothing.
Yuri Gabriel Castro Farias Praciano (Brazil) - Murdered and had his body dragged through the street.
Charlie Millers (UK) - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.

Missing and Found Dead

Mar’Quis “MJ” Jackson (USA) - Found dead from blunt force trauma
Damien Fraser (Canada) - Found dead on shoreline of a beach, misgendered by police and media
Valentín Quezada Saldías (Chile) - Found dead under a bridge after having gone missing
Ace Scott (USA) - 15 year old found dead in an abandoned lot
Tehuel de La Torre (Argentina) - Went missing on 11 March 2021 and has not been found; he has been misgendered by the media. Two men have been charged with aggravated homicide
Alex Van Dalsen (USA) - Found dead from bullet wound. His family believes the case was mishandled by police because he was trans
Nino Acox Jackson (USA) - Found dead, potentially died by suicide
Lucas Peres (Brazil) - Found dead in the woods, suspected of having been murdered.
Moe Moore (USA) - Found dead in the Ohio river after going missing


Unnamed trans boy - Died by suicide at 12 after experiencing bullying which was ignored by his school. After his death the school misgendered and deadnamed him, told the students they were not allowed to express grief or pay tribute on social media, and refused to acknowledge the bullying which caused his death.
Kauê Vestemberg (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered & deadnamed by the news
Finn Hall (UK) - Died by suicide at 16
Ingram Gordon (Australia) - Died by suicide
Alex Bastien (Canada) - Died by suicide at 10 after experiencing precocious puberty and bullying
Bobby Melon (France) - Died by suicide. He was a disabled sex worker who dropped out of school at 16, was assaulted, unable to medically transition, and denied help and frequently misgendered by institutions meant to help him. He was buried in makeup and under his birth name.
Chance Houle (USA) - Died by suicide at 12, and was misgendered by both family and the news
Grayson Keck (USA) - Died by suicide at 15. He testified against anti-trans laws and his mother believed that those transphobic beliefs is what killed him
Marty Dragonova (UK) - Died by suicide, possibly as a result of NHS waiting times, treatment delays, and/or medical transphobia
Ellis Murphy Richards (UK) - Died by suicide at 15
Rafael Romeu de Brito (Portugal) - Died by suicide
Dr. Igor Lima Potêncio (Brazil) - Died by suicide
Corbin Ray Bach (USA) - Died by suicide after experiencing relentless bullying.
Alex McCray (USA) - Died by suicide. He was well-known for having fought for trans bathroom rights in Illinois.
Lucas (Spain) - Died by suicide
Gabriel Godoy (Brazil) - Died by suicide
Henry Berg-Brousseau (USA) - Trans activist who died by suicide. His activism meant he dealt with "hateful and vile anti-trans messaging" and his mother reported that he "wondered if he was safe walking down the street".
Alan Cusso (Spain) - Died by suicide at 17 due to transphobic bullying and assault by cis girls
Mac Ohana (USA) - Died by suicide at 18 due to medical transphobia which sought to "cure" him of being trans
Alloés Carvalho (Brazil) - Died by suicide and was misgendered after death
Leo Etherington (UK) - Died by suicide at 15 after being denied a name change by his school and being told by his doctor he would not be eligible for surgery on the NHS
Jay Hoarau (France) - Died by suicide at 16 after years of verbal, physical, and online harassment
Santiago Cancinos (Argentina) - 14 year old trans boy believed to have died by suicide
Samir Seif Bouabadali (Sweden) - Died by suicide after coming to Sweden as a refugee when his Moroccan family rejected him
Asher Garcia (USA) - Died by suicide at 12. He had experienced physical and sexual abuse as a young child, as well as transphobic bullying when he came out, and was misgendered and deadnamed by his family after his death.
Milo Winslow (USA) - Died by suicide
Tal Piterbraut-Merx (France) - Jewish intersectional activist who died by suicide.
Kai Khan (USA) - Died by suicide. He wanted to be a nurse, but worried people would refuse his care or mistreat him for being trans.
Andi Woodhouse (USA) - Died by suicide
Riley Matthew Moscatel (USA) - Died by suicide
Praveen Nath (India) - First trans bodybuilder died by suicide after being cyberbullied following his publicized marriage to a trans woman. His wife has been alleged to have physically and emotionally abused him.
Blake Brockington (USA) - Died by suicide at 18. His biological family, who he had become estranged from due to their refusal to accept him, continued deadnamed and misgendered him after he died.
Augustus Baudouin (France) - A 17-year-old arrested in 1860 for robbery and outed while in prison. He was moved to the women's prison, but "[his] repugnance to appear in women's attire among her fellow prisoners was so great that [he] committed suicide by hanging [him]self to an iron bar with a pocket hankerchief."
Charley (USA) - 19-year-old who joined the Union army in 1863, but was outed and arrested. He was told he wouldn't be incarcerated in he dressed in women's clothing, but instead he chose to die by suicide.
Onyx John (Australia) - 13-year-old who died by suicide after being bullied following his coming out and switch to using he/him pronouns. At one point, he was cornered in the bathroom by girls who tried to "bash" him.
Tree Crane (USA) - Died by suicide
Unnamed trans boy (Vietnam) - Died by suicide; his parents were unsupportive of his transition
Noah O'Brien (UK) - 14 year old who died by suicide after being denied puberty blockers and HRT
Myles Fitzpatrick (USA) - 17-year-old who died by suicide after experiencing severe transphobic bullying which was ignored by his school
Matty Sheldrick (UK) - Died by suicide outside the A&E which medically abused him
Iván Guadalupe Lima Fortete (Spain) - Died by suicide after being bullied for being trans and Argentine
Nova Dunne (USA) - Died by suicide, possibly related to transphobic bullying
Maël Eden Paufert (France) - Died by suicide
Finn (USA) - Raped and forcibly impregnated by his at-the-time husband Nathan Larson, a white supremacist and pedophile. He was emotionally abused and traumatized by Larson's descriptions of how he wanted sexually abuse their child. He later died by suicide after their divorce, and was reportedly turned away from multiple mental health centers.
Basil Brown (USA) - A genderqueer person who died by suicide at their college after he was raped by three people, including a professor. Xe was misgendered in death and targeted by LibsofTiktok.
Unnamed trans man (Italy) - Raped in the emergency room by another patient, having gone to the hospital seeking help with familial abuse. Died by suicide. He was misgendered and deadnamed widely in the news, only being known as trans due to a friend's post on Instagram.

Sexual Assault and Abuse

Ebeng Mayor (Philippines) - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.
Brandon Teena (USA) - Raped and murdered, after the police refused to help him when he went to them after his first rape
Valera (Russia) - Raped and murdered after coming out to his neighbors
Unnamed trans man (Russia) - Harassed and raped on train
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Groped and punched
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Knocked out, robbed, beaten, and raped when his attacker realized he was trans
Ky Peterson (USA) - Attacked and raped, and imprisoned for three years for killing his rapist
Shakti (India) - Forcibly undressed by prison guards and mocked for being trans
Unnamed trans man - Raped and stalked by a taxi driver; he was later misgendered by the news
Jamel Young (USA) - Stopped by police and harassed, misgendered, and sexually assaulted
Unnamed trans man (Canada) - Sexually assaulted at knifepoint
Edward De Lacy Evans (Australia) - 19th century trans man who was put in an asylum and sexually assaulted by doctors in order to "treat" him, and was later put in a traveling carnival
Avery Palmer (USA) - Drugged and raped by a US marshall
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Groped by a drunk woman trying to figure out his gender
Ruan Filipe (UK) - Slashed with a knife and had his pants and underwear cut off
Unnamed trans man (USA) - A 15-year-old who was physically and sexually assaulted by three cis boys in the boy's bathroom at their high school
Ari (Canada) - Abused, harassed, and repeatedly sexually assaulted while homeless as a youth
Poe Black - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Subjected to multiple invasive genital exams while in women's prison, put in solitary confinement which resulted in heat sickness, and misgendered by staff
Lucas (USA) - Harassed and sexually assaulted several times in school
Fariman (Iran) - Repeatedly arrested and sexually assaulted by morality police
Vivek Azad (India) - Beaten frequently and had men sent to rape him by his transphobic family. His family also burned his school certificates and an employment letter to prevent him from getting education or a job.
Nickolas J. McDaniel (USA) - Gang-raped by eight cis girl classmates while in high school to "teach it [me] to like being a female." (Hung Jury chp. 10)
Ky Schevers (USA) - Former radfem detransitioner (now retransitioned) who experience anti-trans conversion therapy from radical feminists. She was in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with detrans activist Devorah Zahav, who preyed on and sexually objectified her transmasculinity.
Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Digitally (using fingers) raped in his home by a cis woman while he was intoxicated.
Jorge (Ecuador) - Forced into conversion therapy where he was physically abused and made to wear sexy feminine clothing.
Manoj (India) - 17-year-old who was tied up, beaten, locked in, and threatened with murder by his family after coming out as a straight trans man. He was also taken out of school and forced into marriage with a much older man.
Finn (USA) - Raped and forcibly impregnated by his at-the-time husband Nathan Larson, a white supremacist and pedophile. He was emotionally abused and traumatized by Larson's descriptions of how he wanted sexually abuse their child. He later died by suicide after their divorce, and was reportedly turned away from multiple mental health centers.
Basil Brown (USA) - A genderqueer person who died by suicide at their college after he was raped by three people, including a professor. Xe was misgendered in death and targeted by LibsofTiktok.
Charlie Millers (UK) - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.
Erik Beda (Russia) - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.
Unnamed trans man (Italy) - Raped in the emergency room by another patient, having gone to the hospital seeking help with familial abuse. Died by suicide. He was misgendered and deadnamed widely in the news, only being known as trans due to a friend's post on Instagram.

Torture, Mutilation, and Abuse

Evon Young (USA) - Tortured and murdered
Ebeng Mayor (Philippines) - Murdered after having been raped, had their genitals mutilated, and having a wooden stick shoved inside their genitalia.
Yoshi Tsuchida (Japan) - Murdered and mutilated by having his face cut off
Roberto (Spain) - Murdered by two women who had held him captive and tortured him for two years
Dedrek Finley (USA) - Abused and assaulted by Rosario Dawson & her family while working for them
Rodgrigo Ventocilla (Indonesia) - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.
Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Abused by hospital staff and threatened with murder by another patient's family
Edward De Lacy Evans (Australia) - 19th century trans man who was put in an asylum and sexually assaulted by doctors in order to "treat" him, and was later put in a traveling carnival
Poe Black - Murdered by stabbing, had his genitals mutilated, and had his body dumped in a canal
Aditya (India) - Forced to return to abusive family by police
Unnamed trans man (Qatar) - A member of the Qatar royal family fled and went into hiding with his girlfriend after his freedom was restricted by his family.
Yuen “Chin” Tzu (USA) - Held in solitary confinement by ICE for 9 months and medically mistreated
Shivy (India) - Lured to India from US by his parents under false pretenses, then held hostage and physically and emotionally abused
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Subjected to multiple invasive genital exams while in women's prison, put in solitary confinement which resulted in heat sickness, and misgendered by staff
Evan Kelemen (Canada) - Institutionalized as a child for not exhibiting “proper gender behaviors"; he was locked in closets, force-fed, and beaten.
Renton Sinclair (USA) - Son of notorious anti-trans activist Tania Joy Gibson, who abused her son to the point of suicide attempts, drug addiction, homelessness, and forced conversion therapy.
Big Cliff Trondle (USA) - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.
Camdyn Rider (USA) - Murdered by his abusive cis fiancé in a murder-suicide. He was eight months pregnant when he was killed, and the child did not survive. He has been misgendered by the police and some news.
Ky Schevers (USA) - Former radfem detransitioner (now retransitioned) who experience anti-trans conversion therapy from radical feminists. She was in a sexually and emotionally abusive relationship with Devorah Zahav, who preyed on and sexually objectified her transmasculinity.
Harcourt Payne (Australia) - Outed in the 1930s when he was bathed against his will at a hospital. Because they could only arrest him for crossdressing if it was done with criminal intent, they instead institutionalized him to force him into detransitioning.
Morgan Moore (USA) - 17-year-old with multiple disabilities who was murdered by neglect. His parents were unaccepting of his gender and he was misgendered by the media after his death.
Luis Ángel Díaz Castro (Puerto Rico) - Killed by his abusive ex-partner, who shoved his body in a closet.
Éber (Chile) - Murdered and dismembered by a man he knew
Kavi/Kaveri (India) - Murdered and had his body burned by two cisgender men because he was against one of them dating his friend.
Jorge (Ecuador) - Forced into conversion therapy where he was physically abused and made to wear sexy feminine clothing.
Manoj (India) - 17-year-old who was tied up, beaten, locked in, and threatened with murder by his family after coming out as a straight trans man. He was also taken out of school and forced into marriage with a much older man.
Finn (USA) - Raped and forcibly impregnated by his at-the-time husband Nathan Larson, a white supremacist and pedophile. He was emotionally abused and traumatized by Larson's descriptions of how he wanted sexually abuse their child. He later died by suicide after their divorce, and was reportedly turned away from multiple mental health centers.
Dick/Mamie Ruble (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because of their crossdressing and their insistence on being neither male nor female. They died while imprisoned from tuberculosis. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Sophie Lederer (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser declared insane by the state because he "talks irrationally— acts silly and claims to be a boy." He died while imprisoned from heart disease. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Erik Beda (Russia) - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.

Physical Assault

Yampi Mendez Arocho (Puerto Rico) - Assaulted and murdered
Kenneth Bostick (USA) - Beaten while living at a homeless shelter with cis men, died in the hospital
Khleo Finnie (USA) - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs
Vanja Vukajlović (Serbia) - Assaulted by the same people who had assaulted him in the past
Kristian Rouse (USA) - Nearly beaten to death in his apartment
Dedrek Finley (USA) - Abused and assaulted by Rosario Dawson & her family while working for them
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Ambushed and assaulted after Pride while wearing a Trans Lives Matter shirt
Unnamed trans man (Montenegro) - Forced out of his home & assaulted
Rodgrigo Ventocilla (Indonesia) - Peruvian trans activist who was arrested in Indonesia and died in police custody; his mother claims he was beaten and extorted.
Amos Beede (USA) - Trans man who was beaten and died from his injuries
Myles Utz (USA) - Beaten with a chain after a man heard him mention he was trans
Ahmed El-Tounsi (Tounisia) - Beaten by police and denied medical treatment at two different hospitals
Noah Ruiz (USA) - Beaten after using the women's bathroom as directed, after a cis woman complained about him
Caesar Lewis (USA) - Beaten by bouncers after using the men's bathroom at a club
Gautam Ramachandra and Shaman Gupta (India) - Arrested, beaten, and threatened by police to try and force them to give the location of a trans man who had come to their shelter for protection from his abusive cop father.
Ijan DaVonte Jarrett (USA) - Punched and stabbed by a white woman after offering to give up his seat to her
Kier Rice (USA) - Attacked and repeatedly misgendered & harassed at his place of work
Emmitt Davis (USA) - Harassed and assaulted while being called homophobic slurs
Unnnamed trans man (USA) - Struck with a cooler and threatened with murder for being trans
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Called the f slur and physically assaulted
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Groped and punched
Sebastian Taylor (Australia) - 13-year-old assaulted by a man while riding the train home from school
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Knocked out, robbed, beaten, and raped when his attacker realized he was trans
Ky Peterson (USA) - Attacked and raped, and imprisoned for three years for killing his rapist
Unnamed trans man (Ireland) - Attacked after a Pride event and left with a fractured skull and abnormalities in their brain
Callum Kenney (Ireland) - Had his ribs broken in a transphobic attack
Ruan Filipe (UK) - Slashed with a knife and had his pants and underwear cut off
Michael Volz (USA) - Beaten unconscious after a fundraising event for victims of the Orlando shooting
Shane Devereaux (USA) - Assaulted by a group of men and left with a fractured skull
Kade (UK) - Assaulted for being gay and trans
Saye Skye (Canada) - Assaulted by two men and a woman, called the t-slur
Zahair Martinez (USA) - Kicked in the head by seven strangers, had hot coffee poured in his eyes, called a "he-she"
Phillip (Malawi) - Assaulted by police officers along with another trans man for "doing lesbian activities"
Unnamed trans man (Iceland) - Assaulted by three men after using the men's bathroom, and called the t-slur by a taxi driver after escaping
Syre Klenke (USA) - Beaten while waiting for the train and kicked out of the Uber he got to escape for being trans
Sharky (Belgium) - Tounisian immigrant stabbed by terrorists to "make an example of him"
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Shot in the hip after leaving a bar
Unnamed trans man (USA) - A 15-year-old who was physically and sexually assaulted by three cis boys in the boy's bathroom at their high school
Ollie Thomas (USA) - Beaten and robbed by a friend while being insulted for being a trans man
Boni Pal (India) - An intersex former football player who was rejected by his family, harassed, and beaten after being publicly outed as intersex and transitioning
Terry (USA) - Assaulted by a family member because of his gender and thrown out of the house
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Beaten and robbed while being insulted for being trans, ended up in hospital
Vivek Azad (India) - Beaten frequently and had men sent to rape him by his transphobic family. His family also burned his school certificates and an employment letter to prevent him from getting education or a job.
Unnamed trans boy (Belgium) - Harassed and assaulted, along with his family, after a pride parade
Unnamed trans boy (USA) - Assaulted and bullied by classmates, told he should have been killed
Abhay "Shrey" Gondane (India) - Left to die after being forced to jump from the second-story of a bar to escape the bouncers, who had beat him and a trans woman friend with chairs
Selvam (India) - Beaten by police to force him to give them the location of a queer activist sheltering a lesbian couple
Unnamed trans man (UK) - Disabled trans man who was scratched and had his hand crushed by TERFs after intercepting a Posie Parker rally by pretending to be a detransitioner and attempting to dismantle the mic during his speech.
Unnamed camiona (Chile) - Whipped with chains while being called lesbophobic slurs. Also from Valparaíso.
Carolina Torres (Chile) - Brutally beaten and permanently disabled by cis men who specifically targeted her, and not her femme girlfriend, for being a camiona; during the attempted murder, they asked her "Why do you dress like a man?"
Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton (USA) - Wheelchair user who was shot five times with a pellet gun in a drive-by hate crime. He was called the t slur and f slur, and left further disabled because of his injuries.
Emmett Brock (USA) - Beaten and given a concussion by a police officer who stalked him after he flipped the officer off while driving by. After being arrested, he was interrogated about his genitals, forced to undress for an officer, and put in the women's holding cell. He then lost his job as a teacher and was charged with three felonies.
Nex Benedict (USA) - Beaten in the women's bathroom by three cis girls who had been mocking him and another trans person, died the next day.
Daniel (Spain) - Beaten and called a degenerate two men while walking his dog. He believes he was recognized because of his Youtube channel.
Charlie Millers (UK) - 17-year-old who died of a hypoxic brain injury while in hospital, as a result of medical neglect. He had experienced severe bullying during his life, including having acid thrown on him.
Daughters of unnamed trans man (UK) - His twin daughters were harassed and assaulted by a group of older children using transphobic insults directed toward their father.
Erik Beda (Russia) - Tortured and threatened with corrective rape by men his mother hired to kidnap him. Forced to divorce his husband in order to transition. Assaulted by the son of a police captain, leading to his own arrest and torture in prison.
Ciel Del-Toro (USA) - Assaulted in the women's bathroom at a bar by the boyfriend of a cis woman, resulting in brain bleeds and chronic headaches.

Harassment, Threats, Verbal Transphobia and Other

Khleo Finnie (USA) - Assaulted and slashed along with his wife while being called slurs
Gautam Ramachandra and Shaman Gupta (India) - Arrested, beaten, and threatened by police to try and force them to give the location of a trans man who had come to their shelter for protection from his abusive cop father.
Unnamed trans man (Australia) - Abused by hospital staff and threatened with murder by another patient's family
Marlow White (USA) - Threatened & harassed by his neighbor
Kier Rice (USA) - Attacked and repeatedly misgendered & harassed at his place of work
Charles Hardy (USA) - Harassed and called the f slur by a woman while with his boyfriend
Emmitt Davis (USA) - Harassed and assaulted while being called homophobic slurs
Unnnamed trans man (USA) - Struck with a cooler and threatened with murder for being trans
Shakti (India) - Forcibly undressed by prison guards and mocked for being trans
Unnamed trans man (Russia) - Harassed and raped on train
Unnamed trans man (USA) - Called the f slur and physically assaulted
Sebastian Taylor (Australia) - 13-year-old assaulted by a man while riding the train home from school
Jamel Young (USA) - Stopped by police and harassed, misgendered, and sexually assaulted
Trey Lowery and Cori Smith (UK) - Misgendered and mistreated at Highland Hospital
Dalton Harrison (UK) - Harassed and misgendered in women's prisons
Saye Skye (Canada) - Assaulted by two men and a woman, called the t-slur
Zahair Martinez (USA) - Kicked in the head by seven strangers, had hot coffee poured in his eyes, called a "he-she"
Unnamed trans man (Iceland) - Assaulted by three men after using the men's bathroom, and called the t-slur by a taxi driver after escaping
Naith Payton (UK) - Harassed by a woman and her children on a train
Juan Evans (USA) - Called "it" and "thing" and threatened with genital search by police during traffic stop
Unnamed trans man (Kuwait) - Harassed by men who believed him to be a trans woman, and arrested for crossdressing
Rob Shaffer (USA) - Falsely charged with a DUI and had derogatory remarks made about his gender; he lost his job and his housing as a result
Tobi Yandle (USA) - Threatened and called slurs by a group of cis boys in the boys' bathroom at his school
Unnamed trans boy (USA) - Assaulted and bullied by classmates, told he should have been killed
Elliot Page (USA) - Chased by a man calling him the f slur and threatening to kill him
Praveen Nath (India) - First trans bodybuilder died by suicide after being cyberbullied following his publicized marriage to a trans woman
Ezra Johnson (USA) - Repeatedly harassed via death threats put on his car and inside his apartment's mail room, offering a cash reward for his death and calling him a monster
Dimitri Levesque (Canada) - Misgendered and deadnamed during police interrogation, where he was asked invasive questions about his sexuality and menstrual cycle
Flint (USA) - Transmasculine teacher who was the subject of multiple Fox News stories, leading to them being harassed, called a groomer, and his school receiving a bomb threat
Andrew Jonathan Blake-Newton (USA) - Wheelchair user who was shot five times with a pellet gun in a drive-by hate crime. He was called the t slur and f slur, and left further disabled because of his injuries.
Big Cliff Trondle (USA) - Arrested in 1913 for crossdressing, and later sent to the Women's House of Detention after being found to be underage with the goal of "fixing" the "moral pervert." He was abused in prison, struggled to get factory work once outed, and was eventually murdered while doing sex work.
Alvin (Saudi Arabia) - Went through religious conversion therapy as a child, tricked by doctor offering transition care resulting in him being tracked by the morality police.
Omolyn Davis (USA) - Discriminated against by his employers and coworkers, including one instance where a coworker put a message on his computer saying "I'm gonna kill you"
Shakeem Malik Holmes (USA) - Placed in a female-only jail cell, called "it," interrogated about his genitals, and threatened by a police officer who said he would put his fist down his throat "like a fucking man."
Nikolai Given (USA) - Told he was going to hell for being a pregnant trans man
Kayden Coleman (USA) - Excluded from pregnancy support spaces by cis women and repeatedly pressured to have an abortion by his doctors.
Myles (USA) - Arrested while pregnant when a police officer thought his baby bump was stolen clothes.
Daniel (Spain) - Beaten and called a degenerate two men while walking his dog. He believes he was recognized because of his Youtube channel.
Lourenzo Broken (Brazil) - Pregnant trans man who was threatened with violence by an Uber driver. He and his wife escaped the car and ran away while being chased, which left Lourenzo in extreme pain.
Jeanne Bonnet (USA) - 19th-century crossdresser who was murdered in 1876. The murder was never solved. They were harassed by police and arrested for cross-dressng and additional charges. [Arresting Dress: Crossdressing, Law, and Fascination in Nineteenth-Century San Francisco chp. 3]
Diego Neria Lejarraga (Spain) - Excluded from his church, denied communion and called "the devil's daughter" after coming out as trans.
Daughters of unnamed trans man (UK) - His twin daughters were harassed and assaulted by a group of older children using transphobic insults directed toward their father.
Ryan Alexander (USA) - Denied medical care by multiple doctors for being transgender, preventing him from being able to get a job.
"Adam" (NZ) - Corrections officer who was misgendered, deadnamed, and harassed after coming out at his job. He was called “tranny”, “it” and “boy-girl”, accused of being aggressive due to testosterone, and jokes were made about "converting him back."
List - Home

Research and Writing

This page is a collection of research on anti-transmasculinity, as well as written works that analyze anti-transmasculinity, to provide evidence and education.Research“Male privilege doesn’t lift the social status of all men in the same way”: Trans masculine individuals’ lived experiences of male privilege in the United States. (Clements, Z. A., Derr, B. N., & Rostosky, S. S.) (2022)“You are not a man”: a multi‐method study of trans stigma and risk of HIV and sexually transmitted infections among trans men in Uganda (Mujugira, A. et. al) (2021)Suicide Thoughts and Attempts Among Transgender Adults (Herman, J. L., Brown, T. N. T., Haas, A. P.,) (2019)Invisible Men: FTMs and Homelessness in Toronto (FTM Safer Shelter Project Research Team) (2009)Trans Men's Access to Knowledgeable Providers and Their Experiences in Health Care Settings: Differences by Demographics, Mental Health, and Degree of Being "Out" to Providers (Seelman, K. L., Shanna K Kattari, S. K., Harvey, P., Bakko, M.) (2021)Screening for cervical cancer in transgender men (Hsiao, K. T.) (2016)Substance Use to Cope with Stigma in Healthcare Among U.S. Female-to-Male Trans Masculine Adults (Reisner, S. L.) (2015)Factors associated with health care discrimination experiences among a national sample of female-to-male transgender individuals (Shires, D. A., Jaffee, K.) (2015)The Trevor Project 2022 National Survey on LGBTQ Youth Mental Health (The Trevor Project) (2022)Abortion attempts without clinical supervision among transgender, nonbinary and gender-expansive people in the United States (Moseson, H. et. al.) (2022)The labour market outcomes of transgender individuals (Shannon, M.) (2022)Stigma and discrimination against transgender men in Bhutan (Saxena, V. et. al.) (2023)“Existimos”: Health and social needs of transgender men in Lima, Peru (Reisner, S. L. et. al.) (2021)Military Sexual Assault in Transgender Veterans: Results From a Nationwide Survey (Beckman, K., Shipherd, J., Simpson, T., Lehavot, K.) (2018) “We’ll Show You You’re a Woman”: Violence and Discrimination against Black Lesbians and Transgender Men in South Africa (Human Rights Watch) (2011)Stigmatizing Experiences of Trans Men in Puerto Rico: Implications for Health (Ramos-Pibernus,A. J. et. al.) (2020)Experience of and factors associated with violence against sexual and gender minorities in nine African countries: a cross-sectional study (Müller, A. et al.) (2021)A global research synthesis of HIV and STI biobehavioral risks in female-to-male (FTM) transgender adults (Reisner, S. L., Murchison, G. R.) (2017)Health and Cardiometabolic Disease in Transgender Adults in the United States: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2015 (Nokoff, Natalie J., et. al) (2018)Trans, Queer & Underpaid: Emerging LGBTQI+ Pay Gap Data (National Women's Law Center) (2023)The health status of transgender and gender nonbinary adults in the United States (Cicero, Ethan C. et. al) (2020)Health of transgender men in low-income and middle-income countries: a scoping review (Scheim, Ayden et. al) (2020)Cross-Sex Hormone Use, Functional Health and Mental Well-
Being among Transgender Men (Toms) and Transgender Women
(Kathoeys) in Thailand (Gooren, Louis J. et al.) (2015)
Criminal Erasure: Interactions Between Transgender Men and the American Criminal Justice System (Lawliet, Elias) (2015)Results of an Online Survey about Food Insecurity and Eating Disorder Behaviors Administered to a Volunteer Sample of Self-Described LGBTQ+ Young Adults Aged 18 to 35 Years (Arikawa, Andrea et al.) (2021)Eating Disorders among LGBTQ Youth (The Trevor Project) (2022)“Being Talked to Like I Was a Sex Toy, Like Being Transgender Was Simply for the Enjoyment of Someone Else”: Fetishization and Sexualization of Transgender and Nonbinary Individuals (Anzani, Annalisa, et al.) (2021)Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior (Toomey, Russell B., Syvertsen, Amy K., Shramko, Maura) (2018)Writing
There is a hidden epidemic of violence against transmasculine people (Orion Rodriguez) (2019)
“Irl we just kiss”: ‘transmasc vs transfem’ discourse & reactionary ‘boys vs girls’ politics in trans spaces (S. L. Void) (2023)Making Sense Out of the Murders of Trans Men (Mitch Kellaway) (2016)Collateral Damage: mathematical odds & the sum of survival. (S. L. Void) (2022)Op-ed: Trans Men Experience Far More Violence Than Most People Assume (Loree Cook-Daniels) (2015)How the Criminalization of Testosterone Attacks Gender Variant People (Adryan Corcione) (2021)Trans Horror Stories and Society's Fear of the Transmasculine Body (Sasha Geffen) (2018)Trans Man or Baby Boy? A New Wave of Transphobia Through Fetishization (Adrian Beyer) (2020)A Tale of a Trans Man in Pakistan (Ikra Javed) (2016)Conversations About Abortion Are Missing Voices: Trans And Nonbinary People (Brittaney Wong) (2022)Not transmasc invisibility, but erasure: intricacies of transmasc invisibility, and the fallacies of strictly gendered transphobia (S. L. Void) (2023)Girlboy Boygirl Blues: antitransmasculinity as a denial of individual history & more (S. L. Void) (2023)As a Trans Man, Why Do Doctors Always Want to Get Me Pregnant? (Johannes T. Evans) (2023)The Red Zone: A place where butch lesbians live in fear (Megha Mohan) (2019)Tracing a Ghostly Memory in My Throat: Reflections on Ftm Feminist Voice and Agency (C. Jacob Hale) (2009)Trans, Feminism: Or, Reading like a Depressed Transsexual (Cameron Awkward-Rich) (2017)Trans. Panic. Some Thoughts toward a Theory of Feminist Fundamentalism (Bobby Noble) (2012)Eraserhead: On writer's block and being a gender traitor (Jude Doyle) (2024)Transmasculinity and Feminism: The Analytic Categories of Gender Identity and Expression (Liam Lair)What Fuels Suicidality Among Trans Men? (tris.mamone) (2018)Home